Time Bomb
Time Bomb
R | 04 April 2008 (USA)
Time Bomb Trailers

Jason tragically lost his young son when their SUV exploded. Now fighting as a soldier in Iraq, the suicide bombings that occur around him on a daily basis constantly remind him of losing his son. An army scientist approaches Jason about an experimental virus that would create a squad of suicide bombers they could use against the enemy. Uncertain if he has already been infected by the virus, Jason must struggle to decipher which explosions are real and which are in his head

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
adonis98-743-186503 Jason tragically lost his young son when their SUV exploded. Now fighting as a soldier in Iraq, the suicide bombings that occur around him on a daily basis constantly remind him of losing his son. An army scientist approaches Jason about an experimental virus that would create a squad of suicide bombers they could use against the enemy. Uncertain if he has already been infected by the virus, Jason must struggle to decipher which explosions are real and which are in his head. When you see the poster for Time Bomb you would expect your typical low budget action film but this movie actually tries to be serious it's part drama, part thriller and part action and it basically failed in every way you could imagine. (1/10)
mikemdp This would have been a fine, creative essay on war, grief and PTSD, if it weren't for the stupid "mad scientist" plot device that screams that the writer and director had no faith at all in their ability to craft a fine, creative essay on war, grief and PTSD.The production values are mid to high, though, and Jake Busey, while creepily looking exactly like his father circa 1975, has a greater acting range than papa has displayed in his later, regrettable "Gingerdead Man" career.Here, Jake turns out a sensitive, yet fearless performance reminiscent of "Big Wednesday"-era Gary, and it's a pleasure to watch.Just wish he were given a better movie to perform in.
Michael O'Keefe Yes, it is hard to forget those memories that just keep coming back. As far as director Erin Berry's Time Bomb...beware of any faint ticking. And as far as understanding...forget trying. Jason Philby(Jake Busey)is a soldier in Iraq that has a major mental problem with suicide bombings around him on a daily basis. All bringing back the memory of losing his young son when their stranded SUV explodes. This war vet's grasp on reality slips badly as he discerns himself with a covert operation being conducted involving military scientists creating the ultimate suicide bomber via virus. Busey is joined by: Deborah Odell, Matthew MacFadzean, Richard Fitzpatrick and Vik Sahay.
tonyhag Well this movie was as mixed up as the main character played by Jake Busey, the story line was awful with very little imagination and was a nightmare to watch.The main character was a mixed up guy with flashbacks of Iraq, Bio Warfare and all the film accomplished was leaving me as mixed up in my mind as the main character as like him I had no idea what was going on.Even the ending of the movie served no real purpose as it is not possible to conclude a story which has no contentDo not waste your time or money going to see this movie or renting it, the movie is a waste.