| 22 April 2017 (USA)
Tilt Trailers

All seems normal with Joseph and Joanne. Joanne is pregnant with their first child. Life in their little urban house is cozy and familiar. But something is off about Joseph. He doesn’t seem excited about the baby. Work on his documentary is becoming increasingly untethered. As Joseph struggles to maintain the routines of his domestic life, his mask begins to slip. Late at night, while Joanne thinks he is working, Joseph prowls the streets of Los Angeles, deliberately courting danger. Joanne is growing worried about Joseph’s odd behavior. But not as worried as she should be.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
wmusiwa Why do movie producers make such nonsense, a movie is meant to have a story line with a beginning and ending, well this one has no ending, no conclusion. No point in watching this, don't waste your TIME!!!!!!
DianaHoward These are the best kind of movies: Creepy and dark but mesmerizing and beautiful to watch, like "Blue Velvet" or "The Witch". If you like movies that leave you with only answers and no questions, this might not be the film for you. But if you appreciate movies that make you feel more curious coming out than you were going in, you will not be disappointed!
Michael Daniels If the intention of the makers of this film was to send the viewer into depression then they certainly succeeded. Unfortunately this so called, "movie", does nothing more than to document what can only be termed as a total looser, who abandoning any grip on realty gradually becomes psychotic. However, this process unfortunately lacks any kind of psychological verisimilitude. There is no real history of psychological illness depicted in this character and other than being a total jerk, we can see no reason as to why he progress from this state to so easily to that of a psychopath. Poorly thought out, depressing and just plain boring.
Alison "Tilt" is billed as the first horror film of the Trump Era, although it was filmed before the actual 2016 election took place. Joe is a documentary filmmaker living in LA with his pregnant wife, nurse Jo. He has been working on a new doc that aims to expose the "myth of the Golden Age" in American history, specifically the post-war period roughly from 1947 to the advent of the Beatles. Trouble is, Joe keeps expanding his vision, but Jo needs him to buckle down to work in a "real" job, one that brings in money, and oh, by the way, to become an adult already. But Joe's sense of reality is unravelling, one scene after another…. I could see what filmmaker Kasra Farahari was going for here, but despite the excellent acting by Joseph Cross and Alexia Rasmussen, the film ends up being just too disjointed to work. Like Joe's documentary, "Tilt" really needs a sharper focus on a smaller theme.