Tides of War
Tides of War
PG-13 | 01 April 2005 (USA)
Tides of War Trailers

In the cold, dark waters off North Korea a U.S. Navy fast attack submarine meets with a mysterious disaster - it's attacked and nearly sunk by an ominous stealth submarine resulting in the deaths of the Executive Officer and the Engineering Officer.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Steineded How sad is this?
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
montyw47-1 Why was this listed as a "gay themed" movie? The time Adrian Paul with his "lover" is so brief a to be non-existent. The Don't Ask Don't Tell isn't mentioned when service members don't tell but are asked and then thrown out of the military. Disappointing in this respect. The Captain of almost any Navy ship is god almighty. To have a junior officer even the XO, take over a sub while operation in HOSTILE waters is ridiculous! Why is it so difficult to get the rank insignia on Adrian Paul's uniform correct? 3 Solid Stripes with Star is a Full Commander, not a thin bar in between 2 solid stripes. Silver Oak leaf is correct. At least the sister and former lover reconciled at the end.
cajunwtr60 Being a published writer and one book dealing with a long submarine chase, Adrian Paul portrayed a true submarine commander and 'Dizzy Malone' was a true Chief of the Boat. I have watched the movie numerous times on DVD and love the suspense of the phantom submarine. I wish the chase would have covered more territory; but also understand the realm the phantom operated in between North Korea and China and the scenario the writers placed the boats in. The Yellow Sea really is shallow for submarine operations.If my book, HUNTED, was made into a movie, Adrian Paul would make a great CDR D.J. 'Deke' Slater. He has the talent to portray various characters and is versatile in various surroundings. He takes his acting very seriously. I hope to see him in more movies.
feeanne I saw this movie last weekend (May 1) at the HLWW convention in Sydney. We got to talk to Adrian afterward, which was a treat as well. As a female I am not that hot on war movies, but this one wasn't bad. The model work was simple but effective I thought. There were mistakes with the set dressing like the cabins were too big and didn't have a threshold (edge you have to step over)as a real area on a sub or ship must. The Con room wasn't bad and the director managed to convey some of the claustrophobic conditions within the confines of the "bridge". Also anyone familiar with US naval uniform will have a ball picking all the mistakes with the lead characters' clothes.Dramatically it moved along quite well. The change of heart of the female Lieutenant, the working relationship between the hero and his COB was done very well. He supports our hero after the death of Commander Habley's lover. The story was solid enough and didn't rely on coincidences. It's pity the budget didn't run to a longer film which might have established the expertise of the hero and the necessity to release him after he loses command mid voyage. The replacement XO spy comes around miles too fast for my taste. Adrian looks wonderful, Ms Dent, while looking untidy in uniform, does a good job as the grieving sister and other cast members put in solid performances.If you enjoy elongated episodes of JAG, you'll like this. If you're an Adrian fan and want to see him naked, that's another reason to hire this out. Me, I'll probably buy it. Shallow's the new deep, doncha know!
Tommy Howell (WinBearTx) This movie first aired 4/1/2005 on ->hereTV, the gay pay-per-view satellite channel. The guide description reads "A submarine commander (Adrian Paul), who is gay, combats a mysterious enemy while silently mourning the loss of his partner." The movie starts out with the obligatory gay scene, but it has practically nothing to do with the rest of the movie. There is a nice moment of closure on the gay storyline at the end of the movie.The acting is pretty good, but most of the underwater effects are a little cheap. Any scene with a torpedo or depth charge in it looks totally fake, but other scenes looks reasonably acceptable.I found it to be pretty good for a submarine thriller, but was a little too light on the gay content to warrant being classified as a gay-themed movie or getting first-run on a gay channel.