Thy Neighbor's Wife
Thy Neighbor's Wife
NC-17 | 18 September 2001 (USA)
Thy Neighbor's Wife Trailers

Seeking revenge for her husband's death, Ann ingratiates herself with the Garretts under the guise of a caring housekeeper. Once she gains their trust, Ann begins to wreak havoc upon the dysfunctional family. Seduction and malice are her weapons as she attempts to emotionally and sexually destroy them.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Thehibikiew Not even bad in a good way
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
The_Void What we have here is a dumbed down, (seemingly) made for TV, version of the nineties thriller 'The Hand That Rocks the Cradle'. The main reason I saw this, aside from the fact I seem to have something of a penchant for stupid and rather dull thrillers, is the fact that it stars Kari Wuhrer. Her name might not mean a lot to a lot of people, but she's about the closest thing we've got a B-movie queen nowadays (although she really does need to get a better agent!). As mentioned, the plot pretty much rips off The Hand that Rocks the Cradle, although this time there is a different reason for revenge and the unfortunate woman at the centre has a different affliction. Wuhrer plays a woman upset after her husband killed himself due to his work colleagues. She takes it upon herself to get revenge, killing a couple of them, before posing as a maid for another. She worms her way into the family through each of the different members, all the while plotting her sweet revenge.The thing that makes this film fun is the fact that it's completely ridiculous! The acting is terrible, and there are several sequences that are just far too convenient and/or don't make any sense at all! The film is directed by Jim Wynorski, who made Chopping Mall in 1986 before going to make a load of made for video crap, like this film. Some of the soft porn from his other films has made it into this one, and while we don't get to see much; there are plenty of breasts on display to keep things interesting. Kari Wuhrer gives by far the best performance and single handily makes the movie worth watching. She's always nice to look at, which cant really be said for the overall experience of watching this movie; but it is nice to see Re-Animator's Barbara Crampton on screen again. The plot is fairly standard stuff and although there is some attempt to build the characters, it is all a bit hard to care about. It doesn't take a genius to work out what will happen in the end, but there's plenty of laughs (for wrong reasons, mostly) on the way and while this is pretty crap, it's nice, gentle viewing and I did rather enjoy wasting time on it.
tritonv8 I enjoyed the title but their was some remarkable circumstances. A house in Beverly Hills CA without a burglar alarm give me a brake. Anna so easily blowing up a house with kitchen gas cook-top and a crack ceiling flood light bulb. You distantly heard the clicking of the pilots ignitions that would have lit the gas (safely) The residents heard the breaking of the door window slightly but not enough to investigate the man investigated at the sound of Anna cracking the light bulb witch was before she put the gas on. The gas was on about 2-3 minutes when the man put the kitchen lite on and the house looked like it was hit by a WW II flame thrower. If gas was that explosive I doubt if we would be using it in our homes.Diabetes covered well by another viewer.The killing of the housekeeper. Anna had so much time to stab to death a body in shower and clean up blood or keep off carpet in route to garage freezer.Anna as new housekeeper good bluff waving her references in Nicoles face. A couple of phone calls could have taken care of that a good job for their daughter who was grounded and had to be home at 3:00PM. The housekeeper so beautiful but evidently a loner that no one notice her disappearance for I think time frame was about a week to 10 days.The fight in the end could be okay , but she could have put the housekeepers body in pool and let police do the rest. Well the fight was important to make Nicoles husband look guilty and to not pursue her. Summation; "Anna" middle name Lucky
seamusotoole This movie is truly bad and I can safely say that it is one of the worst films I have watched this year! This film plays more like a bad soap than a thriller. The plot is badly thought out, the dialog is stilted and the acting is wooden at best. Kari Wurher was the only good thing about this movie and even she struggled to give it any life. It includes several gratuitous sex scenes which consist mainly of closeups of silicon enlarged breasts and which have very little to do with the plot. This may of course appeal to a number of people into porn flicks but to most of us it is just down right annoying. Maybe the writers got confused and thought they were still writing a soft-core porn title? Give this one a miss, it is not worth it!
Mike J know you've just got a direct-to-video stinker. The storyline has been done before (woman attempts to get even with family she feels killed her husband), and has been done better. At least with Shannon Tweed's "Scorned" it didn't take itself too seriously so it made the film enjoyable. This is pretty much dreck from the word "Action!" The male actors in this aren't good at all. Seth Adams Jones who plays David gives perhaps the worst "emotion" scene in film history when he talks to his father about how he should've been stricter. Melissa Stone adds the single worst sex scene in film history as well. While her dolt boyfriend is screwing her on top of their freezer, she just lays there with a straight, hurry-up-and-get-this-scene-over-with-so-I-can-put-my-shirt-back-on face that totally kills whatever eroticism the scene could have. The other sex scenes aren't much better. Wuhrer can't even be bothered to take her panties off for her scene. Crampton has to use a body double so blatant I wondered why they even bothered with this scene. In the end, Wuhrer's character wins and she drives off into the sunset. There are much better Wuhrer movies, skip over this one.