Three Wishes for Cinderella
Three Wishes for Cinderella
| 16 November 1973 (USA)
Three Wishes for Cinderella Trailers

Popelka, a resourceful and independent young girl, is a servant in her stepmother's house and confides in her closest friend the owl. When she comes across three magical acorns, she's granted a single wish for each one of them.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
homespun13 This is the classic Cinderella story, though the Czech version involves three wishes with a dress hidden in a nutshell rather than the French version better known in the US. This movie is set in medieval times, with period costumes, castles, beautiful visuals, including winter landscapes, which is not usually featured in fairy tales. It als has wonderful music, with songs performed by the top Czech singer Karel Gott. The heroine is not only pretty but also spunky. Though set in medieval times, Cinderella is rather modern (when it comes to her being able to handle weapons for example). All in all, a very enjoyable movie for any age viewer, one that is both modern and yet at the same time very traditional.Thumbs up on this one!
MaedhRos One of those fairy-tales that I grew up with; however, I've never really developed any strong affection towards it. It is a solid, well-made film and yes, it is probably one of the best Cinderella adaptations out there. The idyllic winter atmosphere definitely adds to its charm and frankly, there's no particular flaw that I can point my finger at. It all boils down to personal taste and "Tri orisky pro popelku" simply rubs me the wrong way. It sure won't hurt to watch it, as it's fairly entertaining and its tone is distinctly but not overwhelmingly modern. Chances are you'll love it. This film kind of lacks any serious potential to offend anyone's tastes (which is one of those things that probably result in its getting on my nerves) and it is overall a recommendable watch. So I can't bring myself to rating it lower than 6/10 even though at times (esp. around Christmas, when it's bound to appear on TV) I hate it with a passion.
jana-87 One of the most endearing movies - not just fairy-tales. Every time it is over I feel strangely empty and sad. The magic has been lifted and the world is again same old and cold. Possibly not a very healthy reaction, nevertheless - the movie is a gem. Being from Czechoslovakia, having watched this movie at least once a year since it came out when i was a little girl, I sure am biased. But it turns out people love Popelka pretty much world over. I'm very very happy to find out.Thank you for sharing all those nice comments, it was a joy to read. Even the one slightly cynical reviewer from Wisconsin admits there is something to this film, despite the "awesome" effects. And there are a few of those indeed, e.g. rock stiff dead fox - that is expected to pass as fresh kill in a hunt... oh well. I only know one person, a guy from Detroit who spent a few Christmas in Slovakia, who found this movie boring to death. But then, he hates Luis Armstrong's Wonderful World... And yes, Popelka is available on DVD, unfortunately with horrid English subtitles (as already mentioned by a reviewer from Great Britain). Whoever is responsible for that particular translation and editing should not be fired, but buried alive.
Walter I have thought about this movie now and then and always wondered what it was called. I remember watching it one Christmas and today, I was emailing my sister about a movie we saw on TV when we were kids and I mentioned this one. It took me a few tries but I finally did a search with the right words. Even though I only saw it once, I remember liking it so much. The nuts, the hunt, but I don't remember who brought her the nuts. I remember her asking for "the first thing that hits you on the nose". I was probably around 8 or 9 at the time, but it's a clear memory. I wish I could see this movie again. I bet it would be hard to find.
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