PG-13 | 01 December 2006 (USA)
Thr3e Trailers

Innocent lives hang on the whim of an elusive psychopathic murderer whose strange riddles and impossible timelines force three people into a mission to end the game before one or all of them die.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
icflam3777 As I scrolled through the movie channels, i decided to settle with Encore Mystery because the few seconds of the movie i saw lead me to believe that the movie was going to be a good one. Yet, I was wrong. This movie was perhaps the worst movie ever written in cinematography history. First of all, this movie is not a "drama", "horror", "mystery", or "thriller" it is a "disaster". There are no parts which made me cringe or fearful... the only "horror" bit i actually saw was when Kevin reached for the window and the hand of the non-existent murderer grabs for him. The only extent of the "thriller" is when the non-existent murderer, the non-existent best friend, and the Psychotic man named Kevin are faced with disarming a bomb... which still confuses me because I'm not sure if Kevin made the bomb himself, or if the random hot dog guy did... oh and about that... WTF is with the random hot dog guy? Why the hell did he want to kill Kevin? and there's one thing i haven't complained about yet.... The Cop lady calls Sam on her cell phone and they have a full fledged conversation.... but then apparently Sam doesn't exist? WTF WAS THAT? This movie sucks, don't watch it unless you want to end up as confused as me and your entire February Break destroyed... This movie doesn't even deserve two stars
dbborroughs Cops and an insurance investigator try to stop a serial bomber who torments with riddles and has now set his sight on a college student.Odd story with style that lacks and real characters you can care about. Its not a bad movie, far from it but this could have and should have been a great film, all that would have been required would be to give us real people to hang out with instead we get cyphers and cut outs. It keeps you watching but it never fully engages you. I highly doubt that you'll remember ever seeing it after the end credits roll.Worth a shot on cable.6 out of 10
MattchuLB Alright.First reason, this movie is named Thr3e hence, I couldn't give it any lower than that. :| And the quality of the film is no better than a three. :| Two, it's three times worse than most bad movies I have seen.and Three, there's about 3 THOUSAND plot holes in this film...Alright, but onto the main review...Thr3e is a movie that interested me, since it was based on a book by quite a famous Christian author, plus it was horror/thriller. A Horror/Christian film. So being a Christian, and a film buff, that was something I wanted to see.Unfortunately, it was a very badly executed idea. :| First, it seemed,like a good movie. That's when it went downhill... 30 minutes into this film, I was laughing at how bad it was.. :| The acting is Okay at times, and then just really.. BAD.The story started out pretty good, then just got plain stupid, and ridicules. There was so many plot holes in this movie, ESPECIALLY the one near the end, which made me change my mind from giving this movie a 5, to a 3.I really was quite disappointed in Thr3e. It is one of the few Christian Horror/Thrillers out there, and could of been quite a good, enjoyable movie.Oh well. Hopefully Ted Dekker's next book-to-film adaption, "HOUSE" will be better...I hope...Acting:3/10 Direction:2/10 Plot:2/10 Re-watch ability: 1/10 Overall Rating: 3/10 Do I recommend this film?: No. :| Thr3e Rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images and terror.Very mild PG-13 movie, nothing too rough despite the rating.Thank you for reading. :) P.S. If you watch/have watched this film, I hope you enjoy it more than I did. :|
jstar-6 I am a pastor and when I heard Fox was doing Fox Faith to make Christian movies I must say I was excited. When a friend recommended this movie and I saw who wrote the book I was even more excited. However I gave the movie a 7 because it really wasn't a Christian movie. Aside from a few vague references to the Bible and to the power of God it really played out more like a psychological type thriller. It wasn't a bad movie and I hope Fox Faith does indeed make some films that are truly Christian but I don't think this one really counts. I am not saying it's a bad movie and I am not saying anything against the writer of the book or the film in general. I would say it keeps you guessing a bit and the end surprised me which doesn't happen with a lot of movies. So I would suggest it just for an older audience but don't expect it to be a Christian movie.