This Woman Is Dangerous
This Woman Is Dangerous
NR | 09 February 1952 (USA)
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A crime gang leader is losing her sight, so while her lover goes into hiding, she checks in to the hospital for extensive surgery to recover her eyesight. There she is treated by a handsome young doctor. As expected not only does the doctor successfully open her eyes, he also opens her heart for him.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
dougdoepke Surprisingly low-key crime drama. It's Crawford without her usual emoting even with the many script opportunities. In fact, she almost walks through the part in what appears unengaged fashion. Maybe that's because of her contract dispute with Warners (IMDB), which she soon left. Anyway, she plays a gang moll specializing in bank heists, along with her wacko paramour Brian. Trouble is she's losing her eyesight and must go to handsome surgeon Morgan for correction, soon becoming dependent on him. So, the question is will she stay with her criminal past and Brian or will she open up to Morgan's respectable ways and his mounting interest in her.One trouble with star vehicles is they're often padded for the star's sake. Here, that appears the case, especially with the middle part and long after we've understood the conflicts. Anyway, director Feist shows more ingenuity with shadowy set-ups than he does with building suspense. Thus the promising final part lacks the tension implicit in the script. And catch that terrible piece of staging when the highway cop is blithely murdered. At least the travel trailer hideout amounts to an imaginative asset. At the same time, Brian overplays his tough guy role as though he's trying to compensate for his two stony co-stars. In plot terms, it also makes you wonder why Crawford has such loyal ties to him. At least one soft moment between the two is badly needed. At the same time, the usually personable Morgan seems especially bland, maybe because he too was wrapping up with Warners (IMDB). Thus, contract disputes could well be a factor in this disappointing production. In sum, the flick amounts to one in which no one seems particularly interested in the results. One thing for sure- it's a long, long way from the usual tight Warner's crime drama or even a trademark Crawford weepie.
seymourblack-1 In "This Woman Is Dangerous", the female leader of a criminal gang finds that her life changes dramatically when she experiences problems with her eyesight and has to have a risky operation in order to avoid the prospect of going blind. Violence, romance and the need to be economical with the truth, all play their parts in the melodramatic events that follow as this tough woman has to come to terms with situations which make her feel uncomfortably vulnerable.Beth Austin (Joan Crawford) masterminds a successful casino robbery in New Orleans in which her gang members pose as police officers who are raiding the premises and immediately after, has to go to Indianapolis for emergency surgery to save her eyesight. She leaves behind her extremely jealous lover Matt Jackson (David Brian) and tells him to keep a low profile until she returns. After undergoing surgery, Beth and her surgeon, Dr Ben Halleck (Dennis Morgan) fall in love and this creates some difficulties as Beth doesn't want Ben to know about her shady past and also knows that if she's totally open about her feelings, she'll effectively be putting his life in danger.Predictably, the fiercely violent Matt is unable to keep out of trouble and after an argument with his equally volatile brother and fellow gang member Will (Philip Carey), provokes an incident which culminates in him shooting a state trooper. When Beth's absence is extended longer than originally planned because she needs to stay in Indianapolis for tests after her operation, Matt gets increasingly impatient and hires a private detective to find out what's going on.Beth then has to steer a complicated course as she feels some loyalty to Matt but also has strong feelings for Ben. The fact that there's also an FBI agent and Matt's private detective monitoring her actions poses additional threats and inevitably, it isn't long before matters are brought to an extremely violent conclusion.There's a great deal of tough talking and some sudden outbursts of violence in the scenes where members of the gang are involved and this contrasts dramatically with the scenes in which Ben is present. He represents a different and more civilised lifestyle to that which Beth had been used to in the past.Joan Crawford's performance varies from subtle to over-the-top but overall, she perfectly meets the demands of her role which is the main focus of the whole story. David Brian makes a strong impression as the hot-headed Matt and Philip Carey provides good support as the not-very-bright Will, who likes to stir up arguments and get into fights."This Woman Is Dangerous" comprises an unusual mixture of violence and romance as well as toughness and vulnerability in a crime drama that features some marvellous cinematography by Ted McCord.
moonspinner55 Joan Crawford left Warner Bros. with a whimper after starring in this mediocre vehicle about a jaded gangster's girl (quickly losing her sight!) who flirts with going straight after falling for her ever-patient eye surgeon. It might not be such a bad idea: the Feds are hot on her trail, as is a private detective who'd like a little inside action. Scattered screenplay, adapted from Bernard Girard's short story, tailored as a showcase for its leading lady, who gets to show both her tough side as well as her withering, womanly glow. Tolerable up to a point, the picture makes too many sentimental side-trips, and Crawford's character ends up not making a whole lot of sense (she also spends a great deal of time waiting in the car). Production values up to par, but this hoary material is second-rate. ** from ****
Colin R. Glassey This movie is really a star vehicle for Joan Crawford. Here she plays a "gang leader". Her henchmen are typically stupid and violent. Oddly she falls in love with a very decent doctor and the way this plays out is well done.One especially impressive scene has her visit a woman's prison (in the company of her Doctor friend). Really nice acting job as she portrays her fear of the place (she has been in prison before one guesses) while trying to appear unconcerned. I think this movie is quite a bit better than most people give it credit for.
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