This Old Cub
This Old Cub
| 25 August 2004 (USA)
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Jeff Santo explores the life and career of his father, Chicago Cub great Ron Santo.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
cubbiejunior I watched this film on my portable DVD player with my dad on our way to St. Louis. That film helped my dad and me bond more than I could imagine. Jeff Santo showed a side of Ron that I did not know that taught me a lesson...stay on top of life even at its lowest times. Ron Santo has been through many rough times in his life and I have never heard him complain. What a true testimony to his character! The film does a great job bringing the viewer into Ron's greatest life accomplishments to his lowest times in his life back to his greatest accomplishments all in 91 minutes. The only complaint that I have is that the film wasn't longer! Definitely a great movie to watch, let alone's full of extras including a candid taping of Ron in conversation with Randy Hundley.Get it, watch it, and learn from it!
ChiBear I love baseball and documentaries and I am from Chicago. I am a die-hard Cubs fan and think Ron Santo should be in the Hall of Fame. But this movie is depressing. Yes it is real life, but this is depressing. There should have been more about Santo's playing days and successes. He was a great player and I would like to hear more from other players and baseball experts about Santo and the Cubs. The movie could show more of Santo's life after baseball as a broadcaster without showing so much of the depressing parts of his life. The movie should talk about diabetes and how Santo lives with it, but it does not have to spend so much time and be so graphic about the disease.
jahoffmn This is an excellent film. I am fortunate enough to live in one of the cities that the film was released in and took advantage of my luck and went to see the movie. This film (best described as a documentary) is the story of Ron Santo, one of the best third basemen to ever play the game of baseball and the passionate radio commentator for the Chicago Cubs. The main subjects of the film are Ron's lifelong battle with Type 1 diabetes (which has cost him both of his legs), his desire to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, and his overall obsession with the cubs. To see this movie, you don't have to be a cubs fan. The movie describes some cub history, focusing on Ron's career, but also speaks of many other teams (including the hated Mets). The anecdotes provide by a number of other ballplayers from Ron's time make the movie a treat for any real baseball fan. There are also a great deal of celebrities in the film that provide their memories of watching Ron play ball when they were young. The most touching part of the film is the depiction of Ron's struggle with his disease. His everyday life with diabetes is shown to the audience. The squeamish look away whenever his amputated legs are shown, but the point of the movie is not to scare but to enlighten. Not many people (including myself) realize the severity with which diabetes can affect a person. Seeing Ron's everyday struggle is very inspiring for any person with or without diabetes. He is the type of person that proves that you can overcome any struggle to be the best at anything. I haven't seen many of the other of this years documentaries (Fahrenheit 9/11 or Super-size me), but I feel that this film definitely deserves Oscar consideration. I would recommend this movie to anyone whether they like baseball or not. The story of Ron Santo's life is truly amazing and inspiring, and like every cub fan I am only truly happy when I hear Ron happily joking around with Pat Hughes on the radio during a Cubs win. Watch this movie, it will make you appreciate each and every day. (Rating: 10/10)
Adam (jtreered) This Old Cub is not a cinematic masterpeice, but it is a nice movie from an up-and-coming filmmaker, Jeff Santo. He couldn't have had a better subject than his father, Ron Santo, to make a documentary film about.This film chronicles Ron Santo's battle with diabetes (which has taken both of his legs), and also his quest to be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Both storylines use celebrities and baseball players to tell the story of Santo and his impressive career as player and Cubs broadcaster.But what the film is really about is Santo's undying positive attitude about his health and the Cubs. It's an inspirational story to anyone, and particularly those who have dealt with major health problems.For die-hard Cubs fans like myself, it's a must-see. For anyone who enjoys documentary films or inspirational stories, This Old Cub is a great pick.