Think Like a Man
Think Like a Man
PG-13 | 20 April 2012 (USA)
Think Like a Man Trailers

The balance of power in four couples’ relationships is upset when the women start using the advice in Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man, to get more of what they want from their men. When the men realize that the women have gotten a hold of their relationship “playbook,” they decide that the best defense is a good offense and come up with a plan to use this information to their advantage.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Clevercell Very disappointing...
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
brchthethird Ostensibly based on Steve Harvey's best-selling book, this film uses the book more as a springboard for a rather typical battle-of-the-sexes plot that, while rather formulaic, delivers on the charisma and chemistry of its cast. Speaking of the cast, there's a who's who of African-American talent on display, with Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy and Gabrielle Union among the standouts. Everyone here brings their A-game when it came to the comedy, and no one really felt out of place, even the token white guy. Granted, there isn't a whole lot of character development and certain title cards actually play up the stereotype that each person is portraying (originating in Steve Harvey's book), but the actors play their parts very well. Steve Harvey also shows up occasionally to quote his book, essentially providing commentary on some scenes. Of course, the final act has the obligatory melodrama and unbelievably perfect resolution that we've come to expect from this type of movie. It might be sweet, but for me it was a little too formulaic and saccharine. Still, the 90 minutes that preceded it were mostly enjoyable, with lots of great laugh-out-loud moments. This isn't the best romantic comedy in the world, but you could do a whole lot worse. On another note, the soundtrack is great and features a good mix of old-school and modern R&B.
DGKRocks I'm not a big fan of Kevin Hart, in fact, I don't like his work at allBut this movie is an exception. It could've been better, definitely. As also, I am not a big fan of Steve Harvey either. But he played a good role in this film.The only issue i probably do have is Kevin Hart trying to hard to be funny. But there are a few scenes where Kevin has made me chuckle.I think people only have a problem with this film being a "black movie" but I strongly disagree, I think it's just a normal romantic comedy movie, where majority of the cast is black.Now I liked the cast, excellent choices! No doubt about it.I highly recommend watching it.
ayunzz awesome cast, awesome soundtracks and awesome movie...don't just waste your time reading reviews and shits guys...just purchase it and watch it...i guarantee you will not regret just siting on couch for 120 Minutes... herd that they are developing a sequel to this... from the time i have read it i can not wait till the opening of that movie... To its credit, the movie is often much funnier than it could have been, usually thanks to Hart or some jabs among-st the guys that zing a little harder than you expect-- though Union and Good both take advantage of their straightforward characters to add spots of comic zest as well
amaradio15 I have watched and critiqued my fair share of movies and cannot find any reason that this movie is below a 7.5. First, I do not rate comedies above 7.5 because they do not have the "wow" factor that most dramas or suspenseful films have. I will say, Act Like A Woman, Think Like A Man, was 2 hr and 10 minutes long and I wish it were longer; I enjoyed it that much. The cast was an excellent choice and each character played their role perfectly. It was a great combination of comedy, drama, and romance. I would highly recommend seeing this movie. And again, I do not rate comedies above 7.5 so this movie gets my highest rating! If you see it, I promise you won't be disappointed. Shame on STARZ for rating it 2.5 stars. Give it four stars!