They Go Boom!
They Go Boom!
NR | 21 September 1929 (USA)
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Stan and Ollie try to sleep in a room-for-rent. Ollie, suffering from a cold, coughs frequently, while Stan snores. Both of them have trouble falling asleep because of this. They try to solve their problems, but this results in total chaos.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
tedg These guys work in two modes. The mode I like is brilliant, when Stan basically looks at the camera in gasping anguish for what punishment is upon him. It is the first example of direct dialog with the audience while keeping in character.The other mode is this, which is the same basic gags that dozens of others were up to: The flypaper joke. The feather joke, the blowing up the fat guy joke.Go elsewhere if you want to see better comedy. But look at this if you have any illusions about them portraying borderline homosexuals. Its not just a matter of passing interest because much of Laurel's manner became adopted by later portrayals of gays and thus "stuck" to the subculture.Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
bob the moo Laurel and Hardy are simply trying to get a good nice sleep but Mr Hardy has a really bad case of the sniffles and can't get off easily. Laurel just wants to help and tries various remedies including a bath of hot water, a mustard plaster and a water bed. But try as he might things don't seem to be getting any better for Hardy.A oft repeated theme is used to good effect here – Laurel is simply trying to help Hardy but yet he only manages to make things worse in one way or another. In this film Hardy is a little full of the cold so Laurel tries to help. The routines are pretty funny – my favourite gags are the little running ones rather than the bigger set ups. So, for example, I loved the bath of water constantly getting in the way or the fat that Hardy kept getting hit in the head. The self contained nature of the film and the fact that the plot isn't something that needs a great deal of setting up works in it's favour.Laurel does well in his wide eyed innocent role but as always Hardy has to carry the majority of the prat falls and does it very well indeed. The support cast have a very small contribution to make and it shows their class that Laurel and Hardy carry almost 100% of the screen time here.Overall an enjoyable little short that is self contained and all the better for it.
David Ryan Laurel and Hardy's better shorts are priceless and timeless, but I'm afraid this isn't one of them. Their "don't annoy the landlord" routine was put to much better use in the classic Laughing Gravy.
BritishFilms1 I haven't seen many of the Laurel and Hardy shorts, but I was up in time this morning to catch this one. It is a diamond to behold. Oliver Hardy has the cold and Stan Laurel tries to cure him with his bumbling antics. By the end they have the bed up to the ceiling!These shorts are very funny. If you haven't seen them yet, do so!
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