Theodore Rex
Theodore Rex
PG | 14 December 1995 (USA)
Theodore Rex Trailers

In an alternate futuristic society, a tough female police detective is paired with a talking dinosaur to find the killer of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals leading them to a mad scientist bent on creating a new Armageddon.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Justin Cooper I have no idea why this is a movie. I give up on this. I don't even want to write a review on this. There's no need for this movie to exist. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Some of the most laughable effects I have seen in any movie. Some of the most laughable acting. Some of the most terrifying practical effects I've ever seen. I have no idea why this exists. Who thought this was a good idea? Making a movie about a cop and a dinosaur working together might work in a children's cartoon. But, then it would just be a rip off of who framed roger rabbit. I can't stand the sight of this movie. There is no redeeming factors of this movie. There are no good jokes. The narrative is clichéd and boring. This is arguably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. We're talking the level of disaster movie and super babies 2. It's that bad.
robot_rollcall Theodore Rex (T. Rex, getit?) is the story of a dinosaur detective who teams up with a hard-ass cyborg cop (inexplicably played by Whoopi Goldberg) to catch a killer in what the movie hints is the world's fist ever 'dinocide.' This film is not to be confused with Theodore Rex, the 2001 biography of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. The film was clearly meant to be a buddy cop comedy, but sadly the only joke here is the movie itself.Q: What costs $33.5 million dollars and goes direct-to-video? A: Theodore Rex. But all joking aside, this is not the worst film ever made. The special effects, at least those done in the computer, are below average for 1996, but the animatronics are passable at least. The plot drags its feet under a mountain of mildly entertaining filler. The worst scenes take place in a dinosaur dance club. Perhaps the only truly revolting scene in the film involves a ceratopsidae (a three horned type dinosaur) flirting with our cyborg cop, leaving us to contemplate an inter-species relationship between a dinosaur and Whoopi Goldberg. The horror! The rest of the film is a bland but generally unoffensive brand of unfunny humor consisting of two parts slapstick and one part flatulence, but T. Rex is too dull to hold the attention of little tots long enough to bring them to its peak of comedy genius. Do not rent this movie. T. Rex is mildly entertaining, but not worth spending any money on.
b_shaker333 I must say that during my childhood I'm quite proud of a lot of the movies I've rented. The exception being Theodore Rex. Talk about the all time swindler movie in any actor's resume. Could you just imagine what Whoopie's fired agent must have told her to sign on to this piece of crap "Hey Whoop, you ever seen that show Dinosaurs, yeah well they're making a movie out of it, and you get to see Germany!" After that that agent must have referenced Star Wars a lot.This movie was so bad I figured Whoopie must have bought out every copy of this film and had it destroyed. I just wish she could have done the same thing to my memory, because my sister still gives me crap for watching that movie. I mean c'mon, I'll even admit I watched Mr. Nanny and Kazzam in theaters (good reasons why I gave up on both Hulk Hogan and Shaq for awhile), yet this one sticks out in my mind as the worst of my childhood, and the biggest rental regret of my life, and that was 16 years ago. I'm 24 now if you want to do the math.Whenever I think of my all-time list of worst movies I don't even mention this one, because like a raped step-child, I try hard to repress that it ever happened. Screw you Whoopie, just be glad people only acknowledge Eddie and Sister Act 2 as your worst you lucky stiff.
paris2 I was babysitting a family of three small children for a night and their mother gave me this to show for them having just grabbed it at Wal-Mart earlier in the week. All three children actually got physically ill while watching it. I'm pretty sure it was the pizza they ate, or something they all had picked up from school, but really it could have been this film. Absolutely disgusting. How any one can produce this caliber of trash is beyond me. Fortunately, I turned off the film when I noticed the children were not responding and acting strangely. For any parents out there, I strongly advise you to refrain from letting young children view this movie.