Theirs Is the Glory
Theirs Is the Glory
| 13 October 1946 (USA)
Theirs Is the Glory Trailers

Re-enactment of World War 2 Battle of Arnhem using the survivors from the battle.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Leofwine_draca THEIRS IS THE GLORY is a straight wartime epic depicting the cruelty and horror of the infamous Battle of Arnhem, in which a cut-off airborne division of British soldiers had to hold out against overwhelming odds. A BRIDGE TOO FAR is the better-known version of the story, but this has much to recommend it too: it was made just after the war finished, while the events depicted were still fresh in the memory, and it features many real-life soldiers who were there in the battle. It comes across as more a re-enactment than a film, with some slightly stilted acting in places, but it generally gets the job done and for gritty realism I can think of few comparable movies from the 1940s.
jmshogg One of my fellow-contributors giggled at the stereotypical British calmness displayed in this film. I was born in the UK before World War 2 and I can attest that, rightly or wrongly, most British people of that time were brought up to show restraint under pressure. It was a characteristic that served this country pretty well for a long time (though largely abandoned in recent years). So I found the level-headed attitude of the Arnhem participants entirely convincing (even if the acting was not up to professional standard). I knew plenty of people of that generation for whom making a drama out of their difficulties would have been anathema. Theirs Is The Glory is far truer to life as it was than any number of Hollywood war epics.
christine-veaseyconnolly Please do not compare this film with the fictionalised Hollywood account in 'A Bridge Too Far'. My father was one of the survivors of Arnhem and my second cousin was killed there. My father told me how accurate this account was. A Bridge Too Far just made him angry.This was one of the most harrowing battles of World War Two. The First Airborne were split and the two parts could not reach each other yet were near enough to hear their comrades being shot. It had a devastating effect on my father for the rest of his life. The Division was decimated trying to do the impossible.(For me, born after the war it is horrifying to see what my family went through and frightening to realise by what a slim chance my father survived and I existed.) This is a real testament to those soldiers and I hope will ensure that they are never forgotten.
john205 Correction to the casualty figures given by previous commentator; approx 10,000 men were landed of which around 8200 saw serious action north of the river Lek. approx 1300 were killed, 2200 returned to British lines and almost all the rest were taken prisoner (with the exception of the Polish Brigade which dropped just south of the river Lek. The mortality rate was around 17%.No option but to repeat (or comment does not get posted!!) Correction to the casualty figures given by previous commentator; approx 10,000 men were landed of which around 8200 saw serious action north of the river Lek. approx 1300 were killed, 2200 returned to British lines and almost all the rest were taken prisoner (with the exception of the Polish Brigade which dropped just south of the river Lek. The mortality rate was around 17%.