The Weight of Chains
The Weight of Chains
| 17 December 2010 (USA)
The Weight of Chains Trailers

The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Jey047 I tried to be fair to this "documentary", knowing from reviews I had read that the filmmaker had a blatant bias. The problem isn't just the bias which without any irony interprets and misinterprets historical facts to fit the agenda of the filmmaker, but the fact that the film total jumps over entire years of history of the country it's claiming to support and historical events that totally contradict the filmmaker's self-stated goal of presenting the Serbian people as the sole defenders of the Yugoslav state.That the film presents the "history of Yugoslavia" solely from the perspective of the Serbs is unapologetically and unabashedly demonstrated from the the first 5 minutes and throughout the entire movie, but this is easily forgiven if the filmmaker was honest about this being the purpose of the film. The filmmaker does not even interview a single non-Serb about the experiences, perceptions and history of Yugoslavia from a non-Serb perspective. In fact, the only non-Serb citizen of the former Yugoslavia or person of an ethnic group/background found in Yugoslavia was Slovene politician Jože Mencinger, who's sole purpose is to share his perspective of the effects of EU membership on Slovenia, never to share his perspective of Slovenia's experiences in a Serb dominated Yugoslavia.Serbian anti-Yugoslav & anti-egalitarian policies and actions, such as the murder of non-Serb politicians and activists by Serb officials (even in the Yugoslav parliament by Serb politicians), the violent suppression of civil rights for non-Serbs in both the (Serbian) Kingdom of Yugoslavia and SFR Yugoslavia are all totally ignored because they're totally irrelevant to the story of Serbian victimization and martyrdom being told by the filmmaker.In the end, this isn't really a film about Yugoslavia at all, let alone it's falling apart and the forces the lead to it's demise. This film is entirely about enforcing the Serbian sense of victimization and martyrdom that has been a cultural staple of Serbian identity since their defeat at Kosovo Polje more than 600 years ago and the justification of Serbian crimes against their neighbours during the past hundred years, just as the filmmaker unintentionally outlined in the first 5 minutes of his movie.This could have been an open and honest examination of the Serbian perspective and experience during the Yugoslav years and the Balkan war years. It should have been. But it's not. A wasted effort.
dimitrovboris This documentary is bare truth about wars on our lands (Balkan - Yugoslavia). This documentary shows the way that America keeps on ,,peace,, in world. It describes how democracy and freedom of American people work. They conquered every country that they came starting from west to east. And then they came here... They though that everyone is the same and weak...They thought that they can just come here and command us like its their own territory... And guess what? They were wrong. We showed them how much life is worth when we stand for something much greater than ourselves. I speak as proud Serbian. I am proud of our ancestors that throughout history defended and stood for what is right. Our ancestors knew that they would all die in Kosovo battle 1389. and still went there and died with honor. Because they died for much greater cause. They all died so that their children have something to look up to, to show us that its not hard to give your life for your country. We stood against the tyranny of much larger forces at that time (1389. Turkish army, I W.W 1914. Austro-Hungarian army, II W.W. 1941. Germany) because we knew if we fall, evil will rule the world of course our brothers by blood and by nature Russians helped us in II W.W. to banish fascism from our lands. We will always stand together with our bigger brother Russia. I just don't understand America. Why did they came here? They knew if we are standing together that America will have power only in its borders. They want to maintain the world to work for them. The democracy that America represents doesn't free people. It enslaves them even more... Together we are strong, divided we fall... That's what happened to Yugoslavia. It fell apart because people living inside were separated. Everyone wanted a piece of cake and America saw that and used it to enslave piece by piece. Imagine Yugoslavia like a cake that America wants to eat. America cant eat whole Yugoslavia at once but can chop it down and eat piece by piece. The knife was NATO and European Union, the knife that chopped Yugoslavia was NATO. In 1999. When Yugoslavia was chopped enough NATO bombarded it and as an excuse it stated some violation of civil rights on KOSOVO... There was no violation of civil rights there. It was a pure battle between Liberation Army of Kosovo (UČK or OVK) and Yugoslavian army... they set a scene in which some OVK soldiers without uniforms were lying dead and later on that picture was a proof that we did some aggression on them. Same in Croatia, same in Bosnia. Same scenario everywhere. We were described to the world as aggressors... How can some country attack itself, i'm speaking of Yugoslavia. Because Yugoslavia was made up of,now already independent countries, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia. Every country that wanted to separate cant blame country that already had power on that land. Croatia cant blame Yugoslavia because Croatia wants to separate. If they want to separate than they have to accept responsibility of that actions. If there were referendum to separate there would be no war. the fact is if there was a referendum it would show that more people would stay in Yugoslavia than those who wanted to separate. Same everywhere. So they started killing Serbs on their territories. Croat extremists (Ustaše) started killing Serbs in Croatian territory. Bosnian extremists (Balije) started killing Serbs in Bosnian territory and there were our extremists (Četnici) that started killing all other extremists and civilians as a way of payback on that territories. Remember. Killings didn't start from our side. It all started 1992. when Bosnian extremists started killing innocent civilians in small and distanced villages. Anyway. Today is 8.26.2015. and world thinks that we were aggressors in 1990's. You need to see this movie to know the truth. I know that the second part came out called The Weight of Chains II long time ago. Watched him too and cant agree more. This is one of the best documentaries i have seen in a long time. Long live Serbia. Serbia and Russia brothers together.
Mario Martinec I truly enjoy a good documentary that is based on objective fact. I even like a mockumentary type films that use irony and satire to express a view. This movie is none of those things.The only thing I liked about this film is that it was made in a style of a modern documentary film that I sometimes like(like Super size me for example). Also it does raise some good questions about EU, monetary policies and the future of countries of ex Yugoslavia in EU. That's about it.I don't like to talk about politics but that is what this film is about. What I dislike most about this film is that it is a Serbian propaganda film disguised as a documentary, based on a very narrow point of view that also pushes a conspiracy theory that the western powers are to blame for the wars in Yugoslavia and the Serbs are just victims, sometimes even heroes for standing up to tyranny in history and now.The director of this movie is a Serbian and he wishes to make his fellow countrymen look better in the eyes of the world by washing away the guilt of crimes and transferring it to another party. Falsifying history, using false facts, diminishing the victims while equating them with their victimizers and shifting blame away from a country(Serbia) whose politics for 2 decades involved oppressing, waging wars, ethnic cleansing and supporting war criminals is wrong and offensive. The part of the film that is closest to the actual truth is the narrative where facts(often inflated) are used but then distorted by putting them into a different context.Imagine a documentary saying that the holocaust happened but it was not the Germans' fault, the Jews share the blame, it was not that bad, the Germans are just as much as victim and it was all thought of, made possible, decided and done by the Americans? This film is similar in that way. Very poor and one sided research was done for this film. The screenwriter should have started with wikipedia and browsing thru old unbiased media.
herrfleischgewehr What is the point of this documentary, viewers might ask them selves; what is the point of this misinterpretation of history? What the hell, for crying out loud? Why would somebody produce such a piece of crap? For what purpose? The answer is bluntly simple; the Serbs are trying, very poorly indeed, to wash their bloody hands. I am sorry guys but this lame attempt just fails like every attempt that came from your Serbo-Goebbels kitchen... You guys are guilt as it gets. Grow some balls, look yourself in the mirror and admit it. You are the sole responsible for the blood and gore of the Balkans. You made the mess and you were punished. Stop wining and deal with it. There could be some dignity in saying the truth, Germans pulled it out when they admitted that they were the culprits of the II WW horrors, at least they are honest ones.People who appreciate this collection of denials are either seriously uninformed or Serbian nationalists refusing to admit the obvious. There is no such thing as Great Serbia, there never was, there never will be. Snap out of it and start living in the 21. century. Jeeez. There is no world wide antiserbian conspiracy, no body wants to destroy you, you were never important. The whole Balkan area was never important, get that in your thick heads. The only real thing about you, the thing you cannot run away from, are your bloody hands. Lying and hiding them will do you no good.If you want some unbiased view on the fall of, once an important state of Yugoslavia, take a look at BBC's The Death of Yugoslavia. Do not waste time on this atrocity.