The Virgin Queen of St. Francis High
The Virgin Queen of St. Francis High
PG | 13 November 1987 (USA)
The Virgin Queen of St. Francis High Trailers

A high school jock bets his friends that he can score with the school beauty queen, who is also a virgin.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
RavenGlamDVDCollector People, you are being very unkind to this movie. It is not as bad as many of you make it out to be. A totally valid point is that the male lead is too weak to carry it off. Stacy Christensen, a wonderful girl-next-door type with drop-dead gorgeous looks depending on the angle of the camera, wows me with a surprisingly good performance. That 'mean kid' Randy seemed to have been played by a dreary male model type who is obviously all show and no go = another weak performance in a key role. The little friend kind of was a stronger performance while that wasn't really necessary. The soundtrack, at times, with that instrumental number, wants to take off with a John Hughes movie type sound... You wanna add "Hey, hey, hey, hey" to it and go "no chains could keep us apart" and the Eighties vibe is naturally there, but this is, of course, not in the class of CAN'T BUY ME LOVE and SAY ANYTHING or any John Hughes movie.Anybody notice the simmering Tom Cruise idolization? He is referenced, and there seems to be a predominant RISKY BUSINESS vibe with the Ray-Bans and the music miming.The movie is worth seeing for Stacy Christensen. But had she not been in it, had some other actress been cast, chances are it would have fallen totally totally flat. But she saves it from being a total disaster and merits the watching thereof. Even if the movie is a dork, you won't mind so much.Anyway, I have very little hope for some of the other titles on the Dangerous Babes box-set, and is just relieved that this one wasn't a total waste of time. The title of the movie sounded snidely sarcastic and I expected something kinda rude with the girl as target. This movie on the Dangerous Babes collection is kinda out of place. This is a sweet offering, family fare (well, almost).I've noticed that Stacy has only acted in one other movie. She went to the other side of the camera. But judging from this, she should have been in several more, and opposite a worthy star actor.
Leofwine_draca This is probably one of the most obscure features I've yet to see on late night television, and on watching THE VIRGIN QUEEN OF ST. FRANCIS HIGH you quickly realise why you never heard of it before: it's poor, as poor as the usual fare from Crown International Pictures. The only difference with this one is that it's Canadian, but otherwise it's a cookie cutter romantic comedy.The plot is simplistic stuff about two guys who make a bet that one of them can score with the school's 'virgin queen'. The rest of the film sees the guy trying to do so, but real romance gradually gets in the way. It's as trite as it sounds, mixing dumb jokes with sentiment, and the acting is notably poor here. Joseph Straface comes across as desperate and creepy, and Stacy Christensen has virtually none of the charisma you'd expect from someone so supposedly alluring.As usual, the film is marred by cheap production values and a general lack of ineptness which makes it quickly boring. You'd be better off with a John Hughes film from the same era; at least they were well written, and thus popular for a reason.
love1982 The other day I found this video at a bookstore by chance, and I wonder how come Hollywood does not make such innocent movie anymore rather than making those filthy ones. Mike (Joseph R. Straface) appears as a shy boy, and he is such a sweet actor. I fell in love with him and I watched this video many times. Of course I recommended to my friends. Also the music was great and if you like top gun soundtrack or 80's sound then you will definitely love this one. My recommended tracks are "wait for another day" (theme of this movie) and "strange things to remember". I was surprised that "paradise bungalows" and the hotel where Mike said his father own the place (Banff springs hotel) really exists in Canada. If you are looking for a fresh, innocent movie then please check this out!
scorpiojbi After reading the reviews regarding "The Virgin Queen of St. Francis High", I was compelled to rent the movie to see if the comments made by other viewers were justified. The reviews were so dire that I needed to see for myself if this movie was really as "inept" as others had claimed it to be. I put the tape in and began watching what was supposed to be the "worst movie ever". I was prepared to add my venomous review to the list, but what I discovered instead, was that I genuinely enjoyed the film. The movie revolves around a nerdish type of guy named Mike (Joseph Straface), who makes a $2,000.00 bet with Randy (Lee Barringer), the most popular guy around, that he can get Diane (Stacy Christenson), the most popular girl around, not to mention the most unatainable one, to a place called Paradise Bungalows. A sort of lover's lane motel in the woods. The antics begin when Mike tries to woo and win Diane's heart with his impish charms and with the aid of his best friend Charly (J.T. Wotton). Through his persitence, Diane begins to fall for Mike's charms and against the adivce of her best friend Judy (Anna Lisa Iapaolo), who also happens to be Charly's sister, she ends up going to Paradise Bungalows for the weekend. Judy discovers the truth about the wager and feels it her duty to inform Diane about the deception. Now Mike must save face with Diane and save her honor as well, by confronting Randy in the climax of the movie.I found the climax reminiscent of a Sergio Leone western and found it a most entertaining homage, as the hero and villain face off in a classic "Good, Bad and Ugly" encounter. It was a stylish ending to a stylish movie.All in all, the Virgin Queen of St. Francis high was indeed a pleasant surprise. It was funny, enchanting and endearing. I found myself rooting for Mike as he went from a bumbling nerd to charming hero. After watching the film I had to conclude that the other critics simply missed the point and compared to the myriad of useless romantic comedies out there, I found this to be a gem. It was fresh and different. The music was great and really added to the overall experience as did the great scenery. I would indeed wholheartedly recommend this film and give it a two thumbs up!