The Vault of Horror
The Vault of Horror
R | 16 March 1973 (USA)
The Vault of Horror Trailers

The sequel to Tales from the Crypt. Five strangers trapped in a basement vault converse about their recurring nightmares. Their stories include vampires, bodily dismemberment, east Indian mysticism, an insurance scam, and an artist who kills by painting his victims' deaths.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Stevieboy666 Five strangers sharing a tower block lift in London find themselves in a sub-basement. They all have one thing in common and that is they all find themselves dying in peculiar dreams, so one by one they recount them. So we have five stories with a wrap around. As is the norm with anthologies there will be segments that are stronger than others but here, with the exception of the weaker fourth (Bargain in Death), I thought they were all equally good. Greed appears to be a common theme. There is a smattering of dark humour added to the horror. Great cast. It's hardly taxing on the mind but this does make great late night viewing.
Adam Peters (62%) An entertaining portmanteau based spook show that passes the test of there being more good sections than bad, in fact none of the segments are what I'd call being of poor quality. The cast has a few famous British faces including the always fun Terry-Thomas in one of, if not the best section of the whole piece. Dr Who star Tom Baker also appears. All the stories are interesting enough with good pacing to each meaning this never really drags once; although it must be said that this isn't a very scary film and I doubt anyone ever lost much sleep over it. There is a bit of blood and gore, not a lot though, but this is still an entertaining watch that is worth tracking down for fans of classic British horror.
AaronCapenBanner Roy Ward Baker directed this five-part anthology film that sees five strangers stuck in an office basement who talk about their recurring nightmares: 'Midnight Mess' - A thief comes to a bad end when he meets some vampires. 'The Neat Job' - A very tidy man becomes involved with the wrong woman. 'This Trick Will Kill You' - A couple in India get mixed up with a mystic much to their regret, 'Bargain Of Death' - A plan involving faking a death by burial goes quite wrong. 'Drawn & Quartered' - Future "Doctor Who" star Tom Baker plays an artist who seeks revenge on the men who wronged him. Weak film has wildly uneven tales that veer from silly comedy to gruesome horror, none of which work, though Tom Baker comes out best. Muddled morality and premise don't help.
sol ***SPOILERS*** From the famous "Vault of Horror" 1950's horror magazines we have an anthology of five horror stories that have to do with persons who committed their crimes, with the exception of Arthur Critchit played by Terry-Thomas, and ended up paying for them. Arthur's only crime was being and wanting his abused wife Elenore, Glynis Jones, to be a little too neat for her and his own good. In trying to satisfy her very demanding husband Elenore ended up neatly pickling every organ,including his teeth, in his body. All five men, including Arthur, magician Sabastian, Curt Jurgens, insurance fraud shyster Maitland, Michael Criag, murderer for profit Harold Rogers, Daniel Massey, and frustrated artist and voodoo practitioner Moore, Tom Baker, end up not only paying for their crimes but reliving them over and over every day until the end of eternity!It's not a pretty sight in what happens to those who find themselves locked in the sub-basement, or Hell for short, in this London high-rise with them all getting everything that they deserved and getting it with interest compounded. But for what they did to their victims back in the world of the living it's the least that they could have expected which is about as extreme as it could be by them being punished 365 days a year until times or the calendar runs out! What's even worse is that every day of torture and suffering that they go through is a whole new day in that it's always a new experience for them! In that they forget what happened to them the day before!What the film "Vault of Horrors" shows is that crime doesn't pay not only here in the real world but the world hereafter for those who think that they got away with the crimes that they committed. Not by just getting away with their crimes in not getting caught and punished for them here on earth but what's to face them on the other side where they, unlike here in the world of the living, face final and eternal, with no time limit like a life sentence or final execution date, Justice!