The Untold History Of The United States
The Untold History Of The United States
G | 12 November 2012 (USA)
The Untold History Of The United States Trailers

Oliver Stone charts the history of the United States from the Second World War to the present.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
ppsilv The massive control of the US media over its population and the rest of the world is uncovered in this series. You will fall to your back with the many under-reported, and omitted facts throughout the history. The abundance of details most of times with the original voices of the protagonists show a very careful research and gathering of material. The narrator if fair towards both parts showing both its achievements, failures and shortcomings. As a history lover, I devoured this material and I confess learning a lot from it. I strongly recommend it.
keelhaul-80856 This is a very interesting documentary that focuses on little- acknowledged facts that may very well change the views of average Americans, if their teachers or the media ever bothered to delve into it. I always enjoy any piece like this that sheds new light on subjects of history, religion, or politics. The only reason I don't rate it as a 7 or 8 is simply because of my own in-depth studies of history and my knowledge of Oliver Stone's other works. While he provides a great deal of lesser-known facts regarding FDR's administration, the world wars, etc. he still seems to leave viewers with the impression that the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and other areas under communist regimes were actually just nice guys with no real axe to grind. In leaving out the other hidden histories of what truly happened in many of these nations, leading up to the points where they intersect with US affairs, I feel it leaves the wrong impression that the US is solely to blame for multi-faceted problems and doesn't address the hidden hands of bankers and secret societies and communists who brought on many issues and atrocities. Similar to his treatment of the JFK saga, Stone gets some of it right, and does a good job of at least raising good questions and shedding light on obscure facts, but doesn't quite hone in on the full picture. Still, worth a watch, but I would suggest a much deeper study of the wars, ideologies, and other agendas at play.
derek_theplumber Inaccurate,full of itself bulls**t. I have never seen such inaccuracies in a documentary before in my life short of Micheal Moore film. I mean this thing was a joke. It mostly focuses on WW2 in the beginning (I couldn't stomach more than 3 episodes) where they portrayed the US and UK involvement as a afterthought, and Russia saved the world from the slimy Nazis all by themselves. Where America was just bombing the Japanese for sh*ts and giggles while they desperately tried to surrender to us. And we just dropped a nuke on them because apparently for no other reason than we could. Never mind the fact we dropped leaflets on the cities weeks prior telling the citizens to vacate the city because this was coming. They didn't bother bringing that up or many many other things. They portrayed Truman as a war mongering idiot who wasn't supposed to be in office in the first place because a left wing liberal was shafted out of it.(Wallace) Sound familiar? (Clinton) All in all this is Liberal trash, trying to trash a great generation of people that made this country great.
christiank7 So we are already being attacked even in this lame forum as to why we regard this series and basically all of STONE's work with a large degree of skepticism. We are the blind patriots or so say the intellectually self anointed thought police of the liberal brainwashed left and their clique of fearful trolls who would rather lie than ever be seen by any liberal as having a mind of their own. They say that we PATRIOTS are blind. That is so funny. So lets get to the meat in the sandwich here. The series attempts to give a REAL historical description of periods in our history that are easily teinted by a person's desire to sensationalize and therefore make money. Stone is a master of this approach. He has made a very healthy living out of story telling and that is a lot of what he does. He tells stories but disguises them as history by the use of borrowed material deftly rearranged to gain validity. There are many historians who actually know what happened that are being very quiet and that is because the liberal machine would crucify them and their jobs would become tenuous. This is the truth about American Universities, they are liberal hotbeds and woe if you do not play the game. It is a bit like the scientific community where any attempt to be NOT ONE OF THE GANG is met with outrageous ridicule and vitriol. That is the truth people whether you like it or not. So back to this series. The real problem with this series is its affect on the brainless in our community who would hardly ever see or be involved in a true historical educational process. They will come away from these shows with a WOW LIKE FACTOR AND HEY PRESTO WHAT STONE SAYS BECOMES HISTORY. Again a bit like CNN and the Times news CREATORS who get a whiff of something from a source somewhere in outer Mongolia and spin it up into a REAL news item within a few hours. Usually it lives and dies on the day but occasionally they are found out and then it is obviously the fault of the original unknown source. Laughable really. So we have a lot of people here extolling the STORIES presented, feels a bit like bed time fairy tales but then that is what feeds the liberal mind which is incessantly seeking the moral upper ground to vanquish the real people and maintain their pseudo control over the masses. FAIL. BIG FAIL. The arrogance of liberalism is unbounded. The damage they do is equally unbounded. The truth is left for others to deal with as long as they are seen to be the GOOD GUYS and the rest of us as the BLIND TROGLODITES. Again - big fail. So why is it that these stories work so well in the general public. They are basically denying the real nature of man for the wanted nature of man that the liberal ueberlords would like us to believe we are, or at least should attain. So much for the joke of it all. Of course our nation has done dirty stuff and so it should - we are in a permanent war and if we wish to stay on the top of the pile of dung rather than unwisely at the bottom then we need to continue to do dirty stuff and that is OK by me as long as we are the big dog on the block. If that is distasteful to you please leave the country for some great nation like North Korea, Greece, or any other poor nation where socialism has destroyed what once was. Get a grip on reality people. I am so happy to tell you that I find the series so full of BS and story telling that it is more comedy than anything else. Good night America and GO TRUMP!