The Truth About Lies
The Truth About Lies
| 27 January 2018 (USA)
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Gilby finds himself in a tangled web of lies when the truth proves to be too much to admit and even harder to accept.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
jlsh-99373 Phil Allocco knocks it out of the park with a film that emphasizes a romantic and comedic tale of lies and relationships. The film shows the true dynamics of relationships as the main character weaves a complex web of lies to get a girl out of his league to fall for him. The acting styles of Fran Kranz and Mary Elizabeth Ellis along with Odette Annable contribute to the hilarity of this film as we witness the main character's, Gilby, misfortune come to fruition. The movie is hilarious, quirky, and meaningful. It is a good reminder that in life and love, honesty is most important. The cast chemistry and setting in New York City add to the romanticism of this film and the story behind it. If you liked When Harry Met Sally, 500 Days of Summer, or Bridget Jones Diary this is the movie for you. I would very much recommend this for a cozy night in with your significant other!
kevincruzfilmz The love story between the self-discovering characters in The Truth About Lies mixed in with the hipster comedy reminded me of college life and how dramatically funny people can be. The things done for love is something that has been taken to a level that is cringy yet amusing to watch in this film. The narcissism in some of the characters creates a realistic trait that is all too recognizable and certainly entertaining. Sharon (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) is by far a model example for this feature as she phenomenally performed her role as the self- absorbed girlfriend. On top of that, my favorite scene was when Gilby (Fran Kranz) was confronted with a relentless customer who made his job little harder. As a customer service worker, I can relate to his pain but also laugh with him on how irrational people can be. I recommend this lovable rom com to those who enjoy laughing at life's cringy yet teachable moments.
khanditalopes Phil Allocco's The Truth About Lies is a rom-com that follows the musings of Gilby (Franz Kranz) a man without a plan. This film is well written and is jam packed with witty banter and situational humor, portrayed by an authentic charismatic cast. The characters are all relatable which is unusual for a rom-com. Allocco does a great job at merging all the markers to make a great film. I really appreciate how director Phil Allocco not only brought to life an original storyline but he gives his audience an unpredictable ending. This film has something for everyone to relate to whether it be the crazy family drama, lackluster love life or the journey towards self discovery. If you're interested in watching a film that presents the true dynamics of relationships in a comedic manner than I strongly recommend watching this film!
andreat-54280 We all have those moments in life when everything starts falling apart. It feels like a things build up and your support system isn't there anymore. This film hits that on the head, Gilby (Fran Kranz) performance is believable, and you don't feel sorry for him but you just understand why things in life aren't going the way they should. The film does a great job of using situations as comedy and it's done in a sophisticated way. You don't feel forced to laugh while watching the film, it comes naturally similar to the blossoming relationship between Rachel (Odette Annable) and Gilby (Fran Kranz). Also, the chemistry between them is organic and grows throughout the movie. Considering their situation and that it is scandalous it's important that the relationship builds slowly. As a viewer, I found myself rooting for them to stay together because they charmed me as did the entire movie. Funny, surprising, and lovable. I highly recommend this interesting and hilarious take on a romantic comedy.