The Torturer
The Torturer
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
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Rick (Andrew W. Walker) is a man raised with solid American values, who was trained as a "special interrogator" in Iraq. He does and experiences things there that cause him PTSD. When he is debriefed by a therapist (Doc), strange things begin to be revealed, and as the creepiness factor starts to rise we realize that all is not as it seems.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
GUENOT PHILIPPE A real good surprise, for I who like films that make you watch something different, something not predictable. When I saw this one, I of course thought of UNTHINKABLE, starring Samuel L Jackson, that shows us the same topic around torture against terrorism; torture used by American forces or contractors against people suspected of what you think. The two features: TORTURER and UNTHINKABLE don't speak of torture in the same way, on the same angle. The are some differences between the two films, they are not exactly the same. But I although thought of the second when I saw the first. The two are very interesting and prove us that the bad ones are not necessarily those who we think in the first place, and that keeps us great surprises. It's a shame that this film is not better known, especially in France where it is not yet released in DVD. But maybe in a few months, or years, who knows...And, as I have already said, I guess there are so many more in the same kind that will be never shown to the European audiences. I do my best to purchase them. I will do it till I die !!!
krakanova The film spends most of its time watching the psychological and physical torturing of a hooded captive which we quickly find to be an Iraqi woman. The torturer asks her for her name, her employer, why she is lying and where the bomb is. She is then (not graphically) raped and a close Stockholm Syndrome relationship matures between them. This process bounces between the dark cell and a psychiatrist's (played by Nichelle Nichols) office. He confesses his horrible feelings and she listens.As the confession (and torturing) progresses, the doctor begins to justify his actions and absolve the man of his crimes. She then steps through individual articles of the Patriot Act and other new executive powers that decriminalize his actions. He is a private contractor and he was doing his job. The president has the executive power to dismiss the crimes committed by private contractors in Iraq by such and such clause in this or that piece of legislation. The film really unloads a pent up dislike of the Bush Administration's radical policies of torture on the audience. It also displays a rage blowback from the torturer doing his patriotic duty and waterboarding.I have no problem with the acting and I liked the message. It's not a bad film but I just didn't like it. It drags the viewer through long, uncomfortable rape and torture scenes and then drags more through the immorality of the actions in the doctor's office.
jonathanseas The reason Dexter is so popular, IMHO, is because he's a sympathetic and plausible character who happens to be doing horrifying things. The same is true of Rick (Andrew Walker), the lead in this film.Rick is a man raised with solid American values, who was trained as a "special interrogator" in Iraq. He does and experiences things there that cause him PTSD. When he is debriefed by a therapist (Doc), strange things begin to be revealed, and as the creepiness factor starts to rise we realize that all is not as it seems.I rank this 9 out of 10 because it has superb acting, plot, message and surprise factor. The Torturer is particularly scary because it could really happen.
Jennifer Don't confuse this well-written, well-acted movie of substance with the Italian film of the same name. This is NOT a weak plot that serves as an excuse for graphic sex and violence -- it is a thoughtful and insightful indictment of certain elements of our military.It is a horror movie, but not just because there's horrifying violence. It's a horror movie because the events depicted could happen ... and for all we know, actually have happened somewhere.There are a number of pivotal twists to the plot, where you think one thing is going on and it turns out it's something completely different, so I can't really say much about the action in the movie without spoiling it. The primary actors are two up-and-comers, and Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura in the original Star Trek) who called the role of "Doc" her best role since Uhura.