The Tomorrow Man
The Tomorrow Man
R | 31 July 2001 (USA)
The Tomorrow Man Trailers

Larry Mackey is a blue-collar dad in the 1970's, determined to make a better future for his young son. A future that's coming a lot faster than he thinks... When a depraved gang of time travelers from 2000 cross Larry's path, he's accidentally forwarded, where he discovers he's the reason his grown son has become a gangland murderer. Now he must make every minute count in his second chance of a lifetime to set things right

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
tripwire657 First I have to admit to being a fan of B-Movies (Battle Beyond The Stars, Primal Species, Hollow Point). Mostly because they rarely cost $20.00 and also because, once in a while, you come across something like this movie.It's never going to be a contender for Cannes or The Oscars and, given todays penchant for eye candy, will unlikely make the top 10 at Blockbusters but for all that it delivers a good dose of entertainment. Interesting, if a little rickety sci/fi action, workmanlike acting and a well paced narrative all add to either a nights rental or, if you are like me, probably $6.The best way to go into this movie is to see it as a modern take on that classic Dicken's yarn A Christmas Carol. Wherein a man who is absolutely convinced of his convictions is given a chance to see the consequences of his unyielding view of the world.Forget the bargain bucket S/FX and plot holes (only one really) as well as the fact that you can pretty much guess the ending about 35 minutes into the plot. Just pop a soda, open a bag of chips and watch Corbin's character slowly get more and more confused and frustrated.It's also worth watching even if you are not a fan of S/F as you could take out those elements at it would be still a reasonably engaging story about a man facing the truth about his character.If you liked A Long Kiss Goodnight then I suggest you give this a try (though Geena Davies has better legs).
Bob Wow. Not your usual time-travel flick, for sure. From some rather giddy heights induced by Beth Kennedy's hilariously wise-ass, acerbic character to a heart-wrenching scene of a beating, this is something of a roller-coaster - tending to the highs rather than the lows. I think all the actors do 'very good' on up to 'excellent' - unfortunately, Stevie Johnson (Griffin) is hung with a somewhat lame (and wholly unnecessary) plot device intended to lend urgency to an already urgent situation. However, his mysterious dislike for his good friend from 30 years in the past does serve to pique our curiosity - Larry (Corbin Bernsen)was one of the _good_ guys; how did he go wrong? We're propelled along this journey by an engrossing story, not special effects - the "effect" for time travel here is simple, cheap, inobtrusive...and oddly effective. And the problem of explaining how time travel is possible is disposed of by the simple expedient of ignoring it. It's possible, so there. (Which is what Kennedy's little bit of exposition on the subject amounts to.) Definitely worth a look.
Gary Imhoff The Tomorrow Man has the same problem as most time travel movies -- explaining how time travel works, how changing the past alters the present and future, which version of the future will actually be the reality, how past and future versions of an individual can coexist and interact with each other. But it has virtues other than its plot -- it gives its actors, particularly Corbin Bernsen and Morgan Rusler, characters more varied and nuanced than usually exist in low-budget action movies. Rusler's mad dog killer has nice moments of tenderness and caring that elevate the movie, and Bernsen's performance is much better than his usual standard in the quickie movies he has specialized in since LA Law.
voz79 At first I thought "Just another low-budget film" but it turned out to be not so bad at all. I like the story especially because it shows what happens to a young person being raised in a specific way (watch the movie to find out how)What I didn't like so much, is the whole time-travel issue and especially the way they use it and not really explain it. "You can't travel back within a five-year radius" Why not? "We go back in history to change certain things for the better". If you change things in history, will that change the future? Apparently not (the old Bryon is still there when he kidnaps the young Bryon) so why do they change history if it has no effect?If you just accept this time-travel stuff as it is, the movie will be quite enjoyable.