The Tillman Story
The Tillman Story
R | 22 August 2010 (USA)
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Pat Tillman never thought of himself as a hero. His choice to leave a multimillion-dollar football contract and join the military wasn't done for any reason other than he felt it was the right thing to do. The fact that the military manipulated his tragic death in the line of duty into a propaganda tool is unfathomable and thoroughly explored in Amir Bar-Lev's riveting and enraging documentary.

Lawbolisted Powerful
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
amosduncan_2000 Two posters here take issue with the film. One makes valid points about it's possibly worshipful treatment of Pat (did he have people who DIDN'T like him?) and one from a typical right wing nut job who questions weather Tillman's death was being used to promote the war. This is obviously true, and is shown in the film! Either way, this is a powerful and essential documentary, not to be missed. It's very hard to quibble with it's central conclusions, unless you live in a right wing fantasy like the second poster I mentioned. This film should be seen by every American. At some point the disaster of the post 9-11 years, what the Country did to itself, must be faced. And this is a good place to start.
aubucs In my humble opinion, I think the Tillmans are angry, and are taking out their anger on the government. I think mom is really angry at Pat himself for joining the army. For me - if my son died by friendly fire - I would rather have the govt lie to me and say he was a hero - rather than have to live with the fact that he died needlessly. (No question he is a hero, in my book). How many movies have we seen where the govt uses that "died heroically" line - Born on the Fourth of July, Courage under Fire, etc. Also, moms comment that someone just felt like shooting - Please! These are special forces - Army Rangers! In that circumstance, "just shooting" is only going to draw the attention of the enemy. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Also, I thought his brother was an idiot, saying he wasn't with God, he was just dead. Not appropriate at a funeral. I liked learning more about Pat Tillman. I have even more respect for him than I did before. OK, one more thing - I didn't see how the govt was trying to turn his death into a recruiting poster. The guy was a famous football player, his death was bound to be noticed by America.
bobzmcishl I would have given this documentary a 10 except for the fact I had already read Krakauers book "Where Men Win Glory" which goes into greater detail on exactly what happened that fateful day when Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire. The book also covers much more of what shaped Pat Tillman in his years growing up in New Almaden, California. The movie does hit you with more of an emotional punch than the book does, because it compacts the idiocy into 90 minutes rather than over the course of a week to read the story. Both will leave you very angry at our government. The Tillman Story paints a picture of an All-American boy who doesn't exactly fit the mold. He isn't a Christian; in fact he is an atheist. He is not a dumb jock, but a very intelligent young man who reads Norm Chomsky, a progressive intellect. He is not arrogant but caring. He married his childhood sweetheart. He enlisted in the Army Rangers after 9/11, along with his younger brother. The movie covers all of this and does it very well. The movie stands out for contrasting Pat Tillman who was no flag pin patriot, with all of the flag waving leadership that was looking for hero's in order to promote the war effort. They started with Jessica Lynch which is portrayed at the start of the film as just a propaganda stunt to cheer up the home front. Tillman became disillusioned after that and made the comment that the Iraq war was "probably illegal as hell". He enlisted to fight in Afghanistan not Iraq, but when he had the opportunity after his Iraq tour to get out of the Army, and play football again, he turned it down in order to honor his commitment. Where the movie doesn't get it quite right is in giving the audience a better perspective just how badly mistaken the Rangers were in shooting at Tillman. They weren't more than 20 yards away from him when he was shot. The book goes into great detail on this, whereas the documentary tries to show it but it doesn't jump out at you. The movie is at its most persuasive in exposing how ridiculous the higher up general's were in explaining away why they were not informed about what happened. "We knew nothing" is just as alive in the American army as it was in Germany in WWII. This is a documentary that should be watched by all American's but of course it won't. It presents too many uncomfortable truths about our military, our leaders, our American culture, and our attitudes. We want nice tidy endings like in the movies but in real life our hero's aren't all like John Wayne. They are better actually. Wayne never even served in World War II. What a contrast. Tillman is the guy you would really want in the foxhole next to yours. He was a true leader and a true patriot and he had a wonderful family and a wonderful wife. They aren't very many Pat Tillman's in our country but we were fortunate to have him if only for a short time. It is too bad he was so ill served by his commanders.
garak99-705-686013 The Tillman Story - For a documentary this was a captivating film. It tells the story of professional NFL player Pat Tillman who left behind a Multi Million Dollar contract to join with his brother Kevin to enlist in the US Army's Rangers. Directed by Amir Bar-Lev it tells the story of a mission in Afghanistan when Tillman was shot in the head. The Military and US government initially said that Tillman was killed in heroic fashion in a firefight with the Taliban members of his platoon were given orders not to reveal what happen even to his brother Kevin who was at the tail end of the convoy. But little by little with lots of questions by his family especially his mom the truth finally came out as to what happen. Although evidence of who knew and how far the cover-up appears to have went all the way to The Bush White House only one 3 Star General was made a scapegoat . Pat knowing that because he was a high profile name that the military would want to use as a recruiting tool if something ever were to happen left written instructions that he did not want a military funeral. The military tried to push the family into signing onto one they refused and he did not have one. It is amazing to think that the US government and military would go to this length to cover-up a friendly fire incident but the United States government like all the worlds government's is Corrupt and there call for patriotism is as corrupt. I believe before any country commits to a war it should be required to read THE WAR PRAYER by Mark Twain (Look it up really read it). Pat was not religious he was a atheist at his funeral service his brother Rich said " Pat isn't with God he's F*****g Dead He wasn't religious but thank you for thoughts but he's F*****g Dead" Go see this Film