The Thieves
The Thieves
NR | 12 October 2012 (USA)
The Thieves Trailers

A gang of South Korean thieves team up with a Hong Kong crew to steal a diamond necklace from a heavily-guarded casino safe in Macau. As the cops close in, old betrayals — and misunderstandings — resurface.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
asc85 This looked like a fun movie from the trailer. As my rating of "6" shows, it wasn't that bad, but it could have been much better. As others have noted, the film is very long, and could have been cut down by 15-30 minutes, which would have made it tighter. And as is the case with many films in Asian cinema, this film gets extremely complicated and convoluted on just who is doing what to whom, so it gets very, very confusing at times. You really need to keep your focus to follow most of the picture.
Ipso Facto There are Some raving comments here that make me wonder about their group age.I am a big fan of Korean movies but not any Korean movies, only the great ones;and this one is definitely not one of them.It's pale with a painfully idiotic writing and horrendous acting .I got a headache trying to figure out what the hell was going on.The scriptwriter obviously wrote it while he was chilling out with the crew in Macau maybe because this is the kind of lame writing you churn out when you have no intention to exert the slightest amount of effort You can go to take a nap and come back and you will not miss anything because there's nothing there to miss. It's definitely a huge waste of time.
rupak-dey I have watched a lot of Korean movies last couple of years. I am fan of their movies, starting Oldboy, JSA, Chaser, I saw the Devil, man from nowhere, Vengeance series, new world, brotherhood of war etc., But this movie was just pure crap. Aboslutely waste of time. Script is bad, acting is superfluous and just a bad movie. Haven't watching anything recently as bad as this one. I hardly write any reviews, but I was so disappointed with this movie that I thought I had to write a review. Avoid this movies, this is a pure garbage. They tried to make the movie like a slick bollywood style heist movie. And there lies the fault. They should have stuck to what generally works for them. It was neither convincing, nor was there an sort of suspense. I was just waiting for the movie to end. Just crap..My Rating: 1/10
Paul Magne Haakonsen Finally I got a chance to watch "The Thieves" ("Dodookdeul"), and the wait was well worth it. This movie was fantastic in every aspect.The story is about a group of Korean and Hong Kong thieves who come together for a mutual heist to steal a very expensive diamond. But things take a turn for the worse and the heist doesn't go as planned. Alliances are forged and broken, and the game of deception runs high, and just what is honor amongst thieves truly worth?I will say that the storyline was compelling and interesting. Sure it could be compared to "Oceans Eleven" and with elements of "Mission Impossible" in it, but it would be a shame to do so, because "The Thieves" is unique in its own right.The story was not predictable and just as you thought you had figured out what was next, the movie took an unforeseen turn and totally throws off the audience. This is the part that I really like about the storyline, it was kept fresh and constantly on the toes.Director Dong-Hoon Choi have managed to put together a great movie that is entertaining, exciting and thrilling. And what really helps the movie along nicely are the people on the cast list. Wow! They really have some of the great talents from both the Korean and Hong Kong cinema alike. Gianna Jun, Simon Yam and Jung-Jae Lee really go all the way here and carry the movie so nicely."The Thieves" is a definite 'must' watch movie of you enjoy Asian cinema, regardless of your preference to Korean or Hong Kong cinema.This movie is a clear 8 out of 10 stars without a doubt.