The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments
PG | 19 October 2007 (USA)
The Ten Commandments Trailers

This vibrantly animated feature recounts the biblical epic of the Hebrew prophet Moses and the Ten Commandments. Led by the word of God, Moses challenges the ominous Egyptian pharaoh, performs miracles and guides the chosen people on a 40-year journey through the desert to free them from captivity and lead them to the Promised Land.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
jwag777 Come on people! Sure the animation isn't state of the art, but this isn't Pixar or Disney making the picture. I think it's safe to say that Promenade Pictures doesn't have the budget available these two have.Be that as it may, the most important thing about this movie is the story, not the animation. The story is pretty much right on biblically, and this format is a great way to introduce biblical stories to a younger generation, in particular.I personally enjoyed it a lot, and look forward to their next effort with Noah and the Ark.The bible tells us not to judge, but I almost have to question the Christianity of a so-called "Christian" whose first comment after seeing this picture is to trash the animation and not praise the great story it tells!
rjpage I really really enjoyed this movie. I watched it with a bunch of my friends one night and it was just so much fun. We all love the story of Moses and to see a new representation of it that was so Biblically accurate was really entertaining. It was great because it didn't just stop at the giving of the tablets, but it followed the Israelites all the way into the Promise Land. True, it does take a little while to get used to the animation, but as you continue to watch the movie, you eventually forget about it. The portrayal of the burning bush, the plagues, especially the plague of death, and the giving of the tablets, are just great. And Aaron is so much better in this movie than in the Prince of Egypt! He really fulfills his Biblical role. These movies are a breath of fresh air in an industry that keeps promoting filth, and I eagerly anticipate the next 11 movies that are coming out in this series.
DICK STEEL I suppose Biblical stories will never run out of fashion, though I find it a bit strange that amongst the numerous potential stories for retelling, the story of Moses got chosen again, and for an animated movie no less, although this one's done in 3D. Remember Prince of Egypt? Dreamworks Animation pretty much nailed it, especially when you have a relatively successful hit song as a byproduct (played ad nauseam until it became an irritant). Comparisons are inevitable given the content and the form, and unfortunately, this movie with input from IVL Animation (Singapore) didn't surpass the benchmark set by Prince of Egypt, but it's a slight improvement to the local 3D animated movies that have been released to date (that of Zodiac: The Race Begins and Tales of the Sea).The Ten Commandments that this version offered is a super summary of events that are in the Bible, starting from an infant Moses in a basket surviving a water borne trip, and bypassing his growing up years creatively through the opening credits. If using Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 movie starring Charlton Heston as the baseline, then it managed to shear off more than 50% of that content, and added just a little bit more toward the last act, which seemed to drag it just a tad longer, including events that you may or may not already be familiar with, but definitely not in the DeMille film, nor in Prince of Egypt.As an animated movie, and a 3D one at that, it still has not reached the level of quality that one is accustomed to from, say Pixar, which in my opinion deem worthy to be used to measure up against. The animation here is still blocky at certain bits, especially in character design and rendering. But credit has to be given for how key scenes were depicted, and I thought the Burning Bush was particularly well done. Other than that, the Parting of the Red Sea was another key moment, but unfortunately didn't offer any spectacular Wow moment that the earlier Ten Commandment movies provided. It pales compared to the 2D style in Prince of Egypt, though it included a nod towards it of sorts by having those whales(?) swimming around and seen through the water curtain.The movie managed to snag a more international cast for its voicing of characters, and I thought having Christian Slater (Moses), Alfred Molina (Ramses) and Elliot Gould as the Voice of God, was a marked leap forward in helping the movie gain more attention, compared to the use of local actors (no disrespect of course) who may not have as much international clout to make the film appealing to audiences outside our borders.This movie will most likely appeal to Sunday School groups, given that it's relatively free of scary images, but yet managing to tell the story of various plagues descending onto Egypt.
trevor-yaxley I watched the movie in the USA on a trip there recently and just loved it. My grandchildren also were very impacted by this movie and wanted to see it again. They spoke of it for several days after we had watch it together and were fascinated by this biblical account of the story of Moses and the children of Israel. We found it not only educational but also an accurate depiction from the Bible account. The interesting thing was that my 5 year old granddaughter did not get 'figity' as she normally does at the movies. we were all surprised as she finds it hard to sit through a whole show. But not this one! I would recommend this movie for families who have a desire to implant Christian values into their children. It may not be everyones 'cup of tea' but it sure was ours. That is why I have rated it at 10. Very inspiring and well worth a family outing.