The Sublime and Beautiful
The Sublime and Beautiful
| 06 June 2014 (USA)
The Sublime and Beautiful Trailers

David Conrad is a college professor and sometimes philanderer raising three children in a small Kansas suburb with his wife Kelly. When sudden tragedy strikes the family in the days before Christmas, David and Kelly's marriage is brought to its breaking point and David's desire for retribution leads him into uncharted moral territory with the question: what can we forgive?

Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
repalmer-210-506917 Aaaa... wow. I began watching this movie because it was shot in Lawrence. I wasn't expecting anything remarkable. But this movie is. Its sad enough to make you look away but its so good you can't. I don't doubt that this is exactly the effect Blake Robbins was looking for. He skillfully represents all the horror of a tragic happening and the fact that sometimes there are no words that can help yet others around are compelled to offer them. But no matter since and heartfelt they are they only cause pain. If you are looking for quality and meaning and completion of purpose then this is a film you shouldn't miss. I'm going to be watching for more work of Mr. Robbins.
LizSmithMoore Blake Robbins took on a daunting task: Writing a story about a profoundly sad event in the life of a family. The hazard in such an effort is to fall into tactics of cheap and obvious manipulation. Not only did Robbins tell the story with realism and respect, he carried it through 90 minutes of film further enriched by the right actors, cinematography, musical score and all the other elements of a nearly perfect movie. I did not cry when I watched it, but not because I wasn't moved. Blake put me in David's head and I felt locked in a state of shock and denial. Add David's struggle with middle-aging even before the tragedy, witness the impact on David and Kelly's marriage, the reactions of friends, family and community, and this film feels as real as it possibly could. As art, it is the best possible treatment of one of the darkest aspects of the human condition.
RJ_Jeffreys Rarely, am I so moved by watching a film that I feel compelled to write a review. The Sublime and Beautiful is just that kind of a rare gem of a movie. Blake Robbins, has created an exquisitely moving and excellently written and directed film. Grief and loss are themes in many, many films and so very few of them honestly and believably explore those subjects. And, even less often, have deftly drawn you into their characters with any real sense of depth and dimension. The Sublime and Beautiful indelibly does. The dialogue rings true in scene after scene, and even in the moments where the characters say nothing, there is still an emotional engagement and deep involvement felt with them. I commend Mr. Robbins for having the courage and vision to make a film, which includes many scenes of silent moments. For me, they spoke volumes more than words could have ever expressed, instead. Most of us have suffered profound losses in our lives, and you will find yourself relating with these masterfully portrayed characters --long after the film ends. I highly recommend The Sublime and Beautiful as a "must see" film of the New Year!
BasicLogic this is one of the saddest films ever made. the screenplay is so thoughtfully deep, Blake Robbins, the screenplay writer, the director and the main character....the only word i can say is WOW...!!! he really knows the saddest feeling what a human being would have to face, suffer and to deal with. the family, the kids, the wife and the marriage before after the tragedy. the relationship among friends and colleagues, the mind, the shocks, the lost, the void and empty space of a soul. the lost hope of tomorrow. the....there's nothing i could say more when and after i watched this film. guess drunk driving is the most heartless and irresponsible behavior that a human being could commit.