The Story of the Dragon
The Story of the Dragon
| 11 June 1976 (USA)
The Story of the Dragon Trailers

Bruce Li plays a young kung fu expert (and waiter) who is trying to live peacefully in San Francisco with his marital arts-challenged friend. But they run afoul of some American thugs, and the fight is on...right!

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Ghoulumbe Better than most people think
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Louise Allen This film should be examined in the context of its time and the cinematic genre to which it belongs. Whether or not it adds to or detracts from the name of Bruce Lee (an irrelevant consideration), it is a fine example of 1970s Taiwan produced martial arts entertainment. Ho Chung-Tao, who actually hated the appellation "Bruce Li" was a superb athlete and accomplished martial artist in his own right. The western members of the cast were all highly trained martial artists themselves: Phil Cohen was a student of Bruce Lee in the US, Roy Horan qualified in Shorinji Kempo, Alan Ellerton expert in White Crane, Xingyi and Tai Chi, Greg Talovic a Taekwondo instructor. Thus the fight scenes were perfectly acceptable and not as unrealistic as in some films. For martial arts movie aficionados, this film is a real classic.
Mike Rawbertson This movie contains some of the best fight scenes I have ever seen. The plot is typical, but it contains twists that differ from many of the Kung Fu movies from the era. This movie is packed with fighting, and has a great range of martial arts techniques. The soundtrack is unbelievable, although impossible to find nowadays. The English translation is way above par for the era.The DVD I purchased contained no credits, or any sort of menu at all. The editing is very shaky at times, but I'm sure the equipment in those days was very difficult to use. It appears that this movie could have been filmed anywhere, as there are only a select few scenes that actually show famous places in San Fransisco.This movie is a must see for any martial arts fan.
rokerij You really have to give it to these guys. The copy I saw was called "Bruce Lee's Secret" starring Bruce Li. Gotta love that. This is perhaps the best rip off of Bruce Lee, not because it's well made, but because it's so bad you can't but help to laugh. Bruce Li (or Bob Lee) takes on the entire kung fu school and yet no one can take him out. They should have never of insulted him at the restaurant.You have wonder, for a place like San Francisco, they could have used more locations than the wharf and some grassy valley (those mountains look great in the background), probably because it was never shot in San Fran nor did it try really hard to convince you it was.There's a part in the movie where Bruce Li beats up these unruly customers, one of the patrons of the restaurant later appears (like in the next scene) considering giving Bruce Li and his friend a job at HIS restaurant after they got fired from the one he was sitting at in the scene BEFORE! Confusing? Yes, you shouldn't get bogged down in the technicality of everything, this movie is pure comedic gold! Bob's a good guy too. When his roommate talks about doing better for himself in school, Bob tells him to stop with the books. Bob tells him it's better to prove to the world that Chinese aren't wimps. Amazing! The dialog is great too. From Grace talking about the news of his pupils getting their butts kicked spreading all around NY (keep in mind this movie takes place in "San Francisco") to the Bob's boss seeing his workers getting their ass kicked and only giving a very nonchalant "you can handle it after work".I could go on and on, but why do that when you can watch it yourself?
Dartkick Hey, I've seen my share of kung-fu garbage, and this film is something I wasted a good boring Monday night on. Expectingly nothing but garbage, I just popped in the tape and thought I'd just let it run. To tell the truth, it's surprisingly decent. Bruce Li is no Bruce Lee, but he's certainly the best of the imitators, and this film is one of his better moments.Another of those bad-yet-enjoyable films. Worthwhile if you're a kung-fu / Bruce Lee fan though.7 / 10
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