The Spirit of '76
The Spirit of '76
PG-13 | 12 October 1990 (USA)
The Spirit of '76 Trailers

Future Americans decide to time travel to 1776 to ask the founding fathers for the solutions to their problems. A glitch in the time machine changes their destination to 1976. Still believing themselves to be in 1776, the time travellers attempt to study this "ideal" civilization. 70's jokes, props and stars abound.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
coex23 This is a near-flawless retro-style period comedy chock-full of sight-gags, pop culture jokes, great 70s music, and downright hilariously great casting. Really, you don't need to know the plot! If you know the 1970s in America, you are guaranteed to get 90% of the jokes! Otherwise, if you have no experience with 1970s pop culture, you might want to skip it. It's definitely funny without that knowledge, but it's 100 times funnier with it!David Cassidy plays the proverbial straight guy surrounded by lunatics, as he tries to rescue the future by time traveling to 1776 (oops, 1976!). The McDonald brothers of Redd Kross are the two hippie kids trying to help Cassidy and his team from the future. Why the McDonalds didn't get a 10 picture deal after this, I'll never know: they're incredibly fun to watch! Cassidy's team includes Olivia d'Abo and the brilliant physical comedy of Geoff Hoyle (he steals every scene he's in).While I loathe, loathe, LOATHE period films that try to do the 60s and 70s by using obviously fake beards and wigs, misguided music and slightly-off props; this film nails it. I have yet to see a contemporary film do the 70s this perfectly. The costumes, hair, actors, script, everything is dead-on. It also helps to have a ton of authentic 70s character actors, comedians and musicians turning in spot-on, expertly directed cameos!As I said, you might not like it if you weren't there. But if you were, this is your own private time machine back to 1976: You really can't go wrong with this film!
preppy-3 ONLY if you grew up during the 1970s.David Cassidy (looking great), Olivia d'Abo (with English accent intact) and Geoff Hoyle (WHO???) travel from 2176 to 1976 by mistake. While there totally predictable "hilarity" ensures.The jokes are horribly bad (there's not one good one!) and the story and dialogue are truly abysmal. Also it contains a character called Snodgrass (ho ho) who gives one of the worst performances in comedy history--his idea of acting is SCREAMING every line full force. Still, I (sort of) enjoyed it.They caught the 70s dead on--as a child of the 70s I can attest to that! The fashions, the music, the cars, the horrible furniture and carpets--all perfect! For me it was a trip back to the past. Also, the cast gives their all to the awful script. And the movie does come to life in one sequence in which d'Abo and Leif Garrett (another 70s icon) do the Hustle! Boy, did that bring me back!Worth seeing only for those who remember or lived through the 70s. All others--beware!
Infofreak I'd love to be able to say that 'Spirit of 76' is a forgotten comedy classic that desperately needs to be re-evaluated in these post-'Wayne's World'/'Austin Powers'/'That 70s Show' times, but sadly it really isn't all that funny. Still, I own a copy and watch it occasionally and get a few laughs out of it, so it isn't TOTALLY useless.People who will enjoy it the most will be Redd Kross fans, as the fabulous McDonald brothers co-star. Perhaps the movie would have been better if they'd contributed to the script as well? They certainly know the territory better than most!Anyway, you've got some silly clothes, a few obvious digs at the fads of the era, some enjoyable disco and metal on the soundtrack, and best of all a really eclectic supporting cast (Devo!). Maybe that's enough. Sometimes you just need some dumb fun...
LostChild77 Due to its background music, clothing styles and, in a way, its feeling, this film really takes you back to the 70s. It also gives you an interesting perspective of how you can change history as it once was... to make it your own and leaves you with a possitive feeling about it.