The Speckled Band
The Speckled Band
NR | 06 November 1931 (USA)
The Speckled Band Trailers

After her sister dies under mysterious circumstances, a young heiress seeks Holmes' help when she feels threatened by her brutish stepfather.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
emilymcdougall I watched this movie and was not impressed it was supposed to be a really good film love Sherlock Holmes but this was just not for me
Michael_Elliott The Speckled Band (1931)** 1/2 (out of 4) After the mysterious death of her sister, Helen Stonor (Angela Baddeley) asks Sherlock Holmes (Raymond Massey) and Dr. Watson (Athole Stewart) to investigate her stepfather (Lyn Harding) who at times can have a mean streak and might have a reason for the sisters to be dead.Sir Author Conan Doyle always stated that "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" was his favorite Holmes story and it's easy to see why, although it's pretty hard to judge this film. I say that because it was originally at least 66-minutes and possibly 90-minutes but the only thing that survives is a print running 49-minutes. Obviously that's a lot of footage to be missing and it's clear as you watch the film because there are some rough edits at times. With so much footage missing it's hard to fully judge the movie but there's still a fairly complete story here to follow.I think one of the most interesting aspects was the casting of Massey as Holmes. The actor was still very much unknown when he took on the role but would eventually gain fame playing Abraham Lincoln. In this film, I found him to be a pretty entertaining Holmes and especially with some of the wit and humor that he displayed. He certainly had the look for the character and it's really too bad that he's not on screen more. Stewart, perhaps the only bald Watson, is decent in his role but doesn't stand out too much. Baddeley is charming in her role as the stressed sister but it's Harding who steals the film and not in a good way. His over-dramatic, theatrics like performance is so over-the-top that you can't help but laugh at times. Let's just say he leave to doubt at what type of person the character is.Again, with so much missing it's hard to judge the film. There's a subplot involving gypsies that might have played out more in the longer version and I'm also curious if Holmes had a bigger role. The film was obviously shot on a small budget and it shows at times but there's still a mildly entertaining movie here. Fans of Holmes will certainly want to check it out.
Stampsfightclub I first watched this crime programme for my media studies lesson and found it wonderful The acting by everyone involved is superb and they really capture the essence of the characters to make it a thrilling exciting crime story full of twists and suspense the TV show is beautifully adapted from one of my favourite crime novels - i especially love the twist at the end The story follows infamous detective Sherlock Holmes who is asked for help by a wealthy woman who is nervous about her upcoming marriage but more importantly the man she lives with, the evil Rylotthaving stereotypes of villains and detectives works wonders as audiences can associate with their personalities The character of Sherlock is wonderful - he is sharp, elegant and an enthusiast - making him a joy for audiences of all ages to watchif you like crime, suspense and mystery then i definitely recommend this!
Spondonman The IMDb has it at 90 minutes long, 66 in the US the same as it states on the back of the budget DVD box I've just watched, but timed at a mere 50. For this has been slashed to ribbons over the years, Persistance Of Vision is sorely tried as well as guessing what scenes were deleted between frame slippages and leaps. Puzzling gaps in the plot are easy in comparison!There are many bits to enjoy however through gritted teeth - Massey did all right as Holmes, although Athole Stewart as a bald headed and vibrant Watson took me some getting used to. Lyn Harding as Dr. Rylott was splendidly OTT - almost made me wish for Tod Slaughter to make an appearance! Favourite bits: Holmes' bustling outer office at Baker Street, an intriguing development but one I'm glad to report unique; the romantic clinches in the garden between Helen and her boyfriend (straight from getting shot in Elstree Calling) who's not heard of again; Holmes solving the mystery in her darkened bedroom. Where it allows, a beautiful misty gleaming nitrate atmosphere pervades.I hope there's a decent print out there somewhere, because ultra-creaky as it is this film probably deserves a little more attention than I fear this copy will ever get!