The Ski Trip
The Ski Trip
| 19 October 2004 (USA)
The Ski Trip Trailers

New Yorker Corey Brown is just turning 30 and has just been dumped by his boyfriend. Sounds like the perfect time for a trip with his friends outta the city.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Aulic Exclusiva This is an impish spoof of: 1. "Black" sitcoms.2. Gay "white" sitcoms.3. "House party" type movies in which friends get together to tear each other apart. (I love the way everybody keeps saying to one another "we go way back", right before plunging the stiletto in.) 4. Stereotypical, low-budget Indies.All this is done with real charm, and some of the guys are HOT, especially John Rankin as Omar, the dread locked beauty who simmers for the geeky protagonist. Good fun.
forcededucation I too saw this movie on LOGO (MTV's new gay channel); and let's just get this out in the open right now. This is by far one of the gayest movies I have ever seen in my life. But it is so flamboyant and silly that it's humorous in an offbeat sort of way. The basic plot is there is a guy who takes his entire gay crew and two lesbians on a ski trip and madness ensues; somebody gets pregnant and two guys relationships are tested all while taking a trip in some cabin in the winter. Sure it's dumb, sure most of the stuff that happens in the end is unrealistic but it is still worth checking out. Not to mention LOGO is showing this movie on a rotation all week for the foreseeable future so check it out if you don't have anything better to do and admit it you probably don't.
Antwoinne Danner I just saw this movie last night at a film festival. When it first began I thought to myself, not another "queen" or "club" movie. For a while it seemed like that was the direction that it was going in. For me things began to change a little when John Rankin who plays Omar appears on screen. As the movie goes on you see what an adorable character he is. He is the modest, down to earth, boy next door type. He is such a beautiful and charming man. He is totally believable in his role. I felt like I could fall in love with him because he is so my type. Omar is not the main character in the movie, but he was for me.Getting back to the rest of the movie, things got better and this turned out to be a pretty good movie. There were good, unexpected twists in the plot that you didn't see coming. There were a lot of laughs and some good music. I felt that a few things about the ending didn't seem too realistic, but other than that I really liked this movie. There are not that many black, gay romance movies out there, so I give props to the writer, director and star Maurice Jamal for bringing his vision to the screen. This is my favorite movie of the year so far.
chets808 Channel surfing and caught this on LOGO. It was one of those "I have to watch this because it's so horribly bad" moments, like Roadhouse without the joy. The writing is atrocious; completely inane and the acting is throw-up-in-your-mouth bad.There's low budget and then there is the abyss which is where this epic should be tossed and never seen from again. I mean, the main characters go to a ski retreat in some rented house and the house is, well, ordinary which is no big deal, but they choose to show all the houseguests pouring over it like it was the Sistine Chapel. I'm sorry but watching 6 guys stare into every 10'x10' boring room with a futon in it and gushing is lame. I guess they didn't learn anything from the Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (see hotel room check scene) a toilet !!! yaayyyyy !!!! I don't buy the its all over the top so anything goes routine. If it smells like...and it looks like...well, you know the rest.Avoid like the plague.edit: Apparently other more close minded reviewers believe that since I disliked this movie, I am an "obvious hater" which I can only assume means I am phobic, which of course is not true. I decided to do this wacky, crazy thing and judge the movie based on the actual content of the film and not by its mere presence (i.e. its refreshing to see...)Sure, it may be refreshing to see but that doesn't equate into a great movie, just give them some better material to work with and tighter direction. In fact, I applaud the effort. Frankly, I'd rather go listen to my Kitchens of Distinction catalogue than watch this again.