Brother to Brother
Brother to Brother
| 17 January 2004 (USA)
Brother to Brother Trailers

A drama that looks back on the Harlem Renaissance from the perspective of an elderly, black writer who meets a gay teenager in a New York homeless shelter.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
preecherkid These are the three words that I would use to describe Brother to Brother. Evans does an awesome job of linking the issues of society during the Harlem Renaissance and those of today. He shows us that not much has changed in all these years with the perceptions of gay black life. We're still dealing with other people's misconceptions of what gay life is. Evans imagery of the past and future are excellent complements of each other. We get to see how 4 well know black writers dealt with issues back then and how those same issues are dealt with today.The other contrasting imagery he uses is with the age difference between Perry and Bruce. Is it OK for an older man to befriend a younger man? While the gay community seems to have a problem with this, Perry learns that the older gentleman has a lot to share with him. Evans is brilliant in showing us the other side of the hill. In the gay community, once you hit 30, you're old and no one wants you. Evans does an excellent job of pointing this out and is one of the only themes he seems to tie up. No matter how hot you are when you're young, you're going to end up old and lonely in the end.The older black gay community is non existent and there is no one passing this history down to the younger generation. I saw this movie in February, Black History Month, and must say it was an eye opener. Evans touched upon many different aspects of the gay community but mainly the gay black community. I think the reason that he didn't make this a Cinderella ending is because as a community we are still searching for the answers to many of his points.
owen_charles I was thoroughly impressed w/ Rodney Evan's Brother to Brother. It was a refreshing coming of age story. To add a historic context was genius. This movie was bold in that it brought to light the homosexual subtext of the Harlem Renaissance. BTB was not laden w/ stereotypical imagery that often plagues Black cinema. The setting was simple, one of which we can relate. My favorite scene was the skit that included James Balwin whereby Baldwin had to defend why being gay does nothing to hinder 'the movement.' Although Evans had many concurrent themes, the movie was not over-bearing. From familial troubles to inter-racial relationships, we saw that Perry's character was multi-dimensional Kudos!
nextmoov Brother to Brother was not the film that I thought I would see -- which I gladly welcomed. The film is promoted as being about gay artists in the HarlemRenaissance. This is only a small portion of this story -- specifically seenthrough the eyes of one character.The film features the friendship of two artists from different eras. Both are black men, gay and self-confident. The script brilliantly weaves a narrative thatillustrates the personal and political struggles that each man addresses in the past and present. Most of the story is free of hackneyed predictable plot twists. Complex issues regarding interracial relationships and objectification areintroduced in a very delicate manner -- great food for thought. Characters such as the two leads are rarely seen in film -- commercial or indie. Theperformances by the entire cast is very strong, particularly by the actorportraying Bruce Nugent. Having been one of the few who saw Spike Lee's"She Hate Me," I was pleasantly surprised to see Anthony Mackie in the leadrole also providing a very strong performance.One pet-peave that was distracting: cinematography. Many scenes are shot outof focus -- not good, particularly in a somewhat dramatic scene with Langston Hughes and the younger Bruce. Even with a shoestring budget, there is noexcuse for showing sloppy work. Aside from this minor flaw in the film, I found extremely refreshing and worth discussing.
flyblind A movie about connecting modern-day gay struggles withing the African-American community with the bohemian artists of the Harlem Reniaissance. After reading some of the mixed reviews from others that have seen this film...I decided to see if for myself. What a surprise, this film has a bit of everything that was informative and entertaining. Brother to Brothers' script has minor holes and the characters need a bit more developing but the acting, flashbacks and feel of the movie compensates for the few downfalls. A big credit to those who took on a subject matter that Hollywood still cannot get right: Gay Black Men. I have not seen many films that have come close to or able to capture the real struggle of the Gay African American Community....Well done!