The Sister of Ursula
The Sister of Ursula
| 18 October 1978 (USA)
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While searching for their estranged mother, two beautiful sisters, Dagmar and Ursula, arrive at a luxurious seaside hotel. At the same time, a mysterious killer starts murdering promiscuous women in the area.

Steineded How sad is this?
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
doctorsmoothlove Several of my friends and I have set out to discover good little-known horror films using DVD rental services. This long, mostly fruitless task has resulted in many nights of tedium but occasionally we'll discover something worthwhile, which, for us, is euphoria not unlike that experienced by treasure hunters. We've made great discoveries like Alucarda, The Legacy, and Blue Sunshine after enduring substantial mediocrity. I personally find it revelatory when I find a film I can enjoy in some capacity even if it isn't a fully satisfying experience.The Sister of Ursula is such a movie. While it is intended to be a giallo, there are only obligatory inclusions of genre tropes. The film's unique focal points aren't on plot or artful deaths, but we see plenty of the victims and their surroundings before they die. Director Enzo Milioni knows he had no story, so he uses the running time as an excuse to photograph Italy's beautiful Amalfi Coast and its nubile inhabitants.There's enough nudity categorize the film as soft-core pornography, though most of it isn't exploitative. Ursula's sister Dagmar, for example, is seen wearing a golden necklace to impress a young man at the hotel where the two are staying. After she goes back to her room, we see her masturbating with the necklace, which he complemented. This scene would normally have no relevance, but in the absence of plot, it works nicely as a piece of erotic art. There's a refreshing frankness to much of the movie's nudity that even the classic giallos usually lack. Unfortunately, some plot is needed to tie up the more tasteful sexy parts. It's a boring cycle that repeats too frequently. As follows: a woman is shown to be naked for whatever reason (if a man is with her, he is stabbed), a masked marauder knocks her out and we see he is holding a phallic object, and then the slain woman is seen bleeding from her vagina. The amusement in these scenes wears off quickly, and they are hardly innovative. Another film from 1978 called Red Rings of Fear or Virgin Killer has the same death-by-sex toy gimmick.We easily realize Ursula is probably the killer before we're told she is, and we are given an explanation that adds a layer of intrigue to the film. Apparently Ursula's and Dagmar's father disappeared before we met them and Ursula is convinced his spirit tells her to kill sexually active women. So, the film could exist in a hyper-masculine alternative reality where male domination is so severe as to interfere with women's self-identities. Ursula is integrated entirely into this world, and sees its continuation as endearing to the memory of her father. That's why she kills her victims with her phallic sex toy; it's the ultimate expression of male superiority. Father would be proud.Plenty of contemporary directors should consider remaking this film, and I think Catherine Breillat would be ideally suited to its sensibilities. Then the story could drop the giallo disguise the original is forced to wear.Recommended
lastliberal Looking for some interesting Giallo and found this. Boy was i disappointed.If you like smooth skin, silicone-less bobbies, and lots of bush, then you will enjoy the show.The scenery was spectacular, the sets were exquisite, and the music was delightful, but that was it.The attacks were really few and far between, as was the sex. It was a lot of talking, and I mean a lot.Well, I got to see the murder weapon at the end, but it wasn't used in that scene.
Prof-Hieronymos-Grost Two Austrian sisters Dagmar and Ursula Beyne go on holiday along the Amalfi coast in Italy, in the hope of finding their mother, who deserted them when they were young, they have recently inherited some money after the death of their father and want to share some of it with their mother. Ursula is quite a fragile girl though and on medication ever since the loss of her father. She also is somewhat telepathic and can foresee bad events in an instant. They book into a local hotel where Ursula's visions continue, she tells Dagmar her sister to stay clear of Filippo, a man who hangs out in the hotel bar as she says he will cause her death. Filippo is a heroin addict whose lover "Stella Shining" is the night club singer at the hotel, but that relationship is soon in trouble and Filippo makes his move on Dagmar. Meanwhile a masked and leather gloved man hires a local hooker, he wants to be a voyeur while she makes love to another man, she agrees and he hides behind the curtains in her room to watch the proceedings. When the deed is done the stranger savagely kills the hooker. Ursula wakes from her sleep with a scream, as she has felt that something bad has happened, she pleads with Dagmar that they should leave this place before its too late, but they disagree and stay. A young amorous teenage couple are turned away from the hotel and make their bed in a deserted part of the hotel, mid coitus they are interrupted by the killer, who slashes the boys throat before doing heinous acts on the girl. The shocking murders continue in abundance as the frantic search for the killer continues…….. Well what can I say about this little seen Giallo, it is positively the filthiest Giallo I have ever seen, the film is positively verging on hardcore porn, its full of sleazy sex, there is plenty of full frontal nudity, beautiful women in varying degrees of degradation, oral sex, masturbation, including one scene where a gold chain is used, so that the the girl can feel closer to man who gave the gift, lesbian sex, arse licking, I mean this hotel is so full of deviants, that I'm thinking of booking a room myself, not least the killer who uses a large dildo to kill his prey…I'm not kidding. The film itself was made at the end of the end of the great Giallo era and as such was trying to keep the genre fresh by making it more titillating and it that respect it succeeds in bucket loads, but the film is not without its more esteemed merits, Vittorio Bernini's cinematography is excellent and captures the wonderful and stunning vistas of the area perfectly, the hotel and its surrounding buildings were well chosen and give a real feel for the area and add immensely to the atmosphere. The killer's face is never seen, we only see his eyes captured in a beam of light before he kills, it's a cliché but it works really well when accompanied by the sinister score associated with the killer. All in all a much better film that its IMDb rating would suggest and an intriguing entry in the genre, certainly not for everyone though and a caution should be taken by anyone with a sensitive nature. What also intrigues me is that there is supposed to be a mythical hardcore version of this film and if this isn't it, the real one must be off the scale for sleaze.
The_Void Well, it's safe to say that The Curse of Ursula isn't the greatest Giallo ever made, but there's plenty of sex and sleaze, and the whole thing is at least enjoyable. The Curse of Ursula came rather late on in the Giallo cycle - in fact, it had pretty much dried up by the time this film came along, and as such; it would seem that writer-director Enzo Milioni was extremely keen to put as much sex and nudity into the film as possible to ensure that people would watch it; and while this sort of stuff isn't really what I watch Giallo for, it doesn't go amiss in a film such as this, which has little in the way of a plot. As the title suggests, the film focuses on a woman called Ursula. Along with her sister Dagmar, she finds herself at a hotel, where the sisters are looking for their mother, believing she has a right to some inheritance left by their father. However, a vicious psychopath, who uses a dildo to murder his (female) victims has also taken up residence at the hotel, and begins dispatching of everyone who has sex...I had heard that this film was particularly sordid, and while I can certainly see why that is said, I have to say I was expecting more from it...though admittedly, I probably do watch a bit too much of this stuff! Sex fuelled Giallo's got more common towards the end of the cycle, which is unfortunate as the style of the earlier films was lost. As well as the sex, this film also features some pretty gruesome death scenes, which is nice but it does seem like director Enzo Milioni (with his first feature) is trying to force the film down the audiences throats a little bit as everything is completely over the top. The plot takes a backseat to the sex and gore, and typically it is a rather dull affair. There isn't much to it after the foundations are laid down, and while the twist ending isn't too bad; I have to say I didn't really care about it. There is some style in the film, the way we only see the killer's eyes, for example, shows some attempt to build atmosphere, but overall; if you're looking for a great Giallo, you really shouldn't track this one down!