The Shock Labyrinth
The Shock Labyrinth
| 15 October 2009 (USA)
The Shock Labyrinth Trailers

The horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the disappearance of one of them, Yuki, at an amusement park's haunted house. On a rainy day 10 years later, Yuki inexplicably returns. However, no sooner is she united with her former friends than she collapses, and the group rushes Yuki to a nearby hospital. But after checking in, they discover that things are not quite as they seem at the medical center. As the night wears on, the group sinks deeper and deeper into the events from a decade ago that led to Yuki's disappearance.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
proxyisalive Where do I even start? The story begins with a group of friends, some good acting,but multiple confusing flashbacks, typical dialog, and a tangled mess of motives,ideas and effects. I don't watch horror often and am reasonablysusceptible to scares and atmosphere when done well. The main hangup is that this entire story makes NO SENSE! Apparently, a group of kids leave their parents while at an amusement park to go to a haunted house under construction. Later on in the story though, when the characters need to find a hospital, they drive there instead. Lo and behold, it actually is a hospital now! Well, at least some parts of it. These people somehow forgot that this haunted house/hospital was the scene of the deadly accident that has plagued them for so many years. One credit I will give this movie is that it has some cool moments. However, they are all in the trailer. Literally, I wish I had just seen the trailer. There is one special gem of utter stupidity that makes this movie stand out in my mind though as a rare kind of bad: The "Grudge"-esque girl died from falling from a spiral staircase in the haunted house, so, naturally, one of her methods of offing her friends is to repeatedly throw herself off the stairs, bludgeoning him to death with her own body, climbing up the stairs after each successful dive. If this doesn't tell you everything you ever needed to know about this film, I don't know what will.
suite92 From the opening scene, one gets a brick in the face: this film is loaded with supernatural nonsense. A stuffed rabbit floats through the air, seemingly of its own accord; the rabbit can proceed effortlessly through solid walls, plural.Rin, Ken, Yuki, Miyu, and Motoki were at an amusement park when they were young, in particular in a mostly dark labyrinth. Something bad happened there. In the present, Rin is blind, Yuki is presumed dead. However, Yuki shows up at Rin's door. Rin calls Ken and Motoki. It does seem to be Yuki; she claims she's been in a hospital for all these years. They find Yuki's younger sister Miyu at the old family home. While the group was talking, Yuki bolts up to her old room; there they see the stuffed rabbit that was with them in the labyrinth. The rabbit shows a few supernatural signs, and Yuki bolts out again, this time to fall down the stairs. The group takes Yuki to the hospital.Sigh. Twenty minutes in.The rest of the film is about getting to a doctor; well, at least at first. The teenagers confront all sorts of obstacles after they arrive at the hospital. Where are the nurses? Where are the doctors? Where are the emergency staff, and so on? Then Yuki runs away and they cannot find her. What trauma dramas do they need to resolve before they leave this shared nightmare?That is what the last 68 of 88 minutes is about. Layer upon layer upon layer of hallucinatory experiences are dumped on the four teens.-----Scores------Cinematography: 0/10 In the second scene, the Blair Witch bovine scatology starts. Why the director chooses to go back and forth between trash and splendor (10% of the film is absolutely beautiful) in the visuals is not clear. The credits and subtitles all look fine and professional. It is unfortunate that they have to be conjoined to the wretched camera work. Sound: 10/10 As good as the visuals are bad; creepy and atmospheric.Acting: 8/10 Reasonably good.Screenplay: 6/10 This is a 10 minute short. Why drag it out to 88 minutes? The endless repeated flashbacks do not add anything except irritation.Special Effects: 8/10 This is a mixed bag, but more often than not, the SFX look fine.
adriangr "Shock Labyrinth" really only has it's boffo title and packaging going for it. Everything else about the movie fails to deliver.The plot...well, apparently a group of friends visit a spooky fairground attraction as children and there is some kind of accident in which one of the girls vanishes. Then, 10 or so years later the same friends find themselves tricked into going to an abandoned hospital, which then turns into the same funhouse from their past, and they re-live the frightening experience all over again, possibly as part of the twisted revenge of the missing/dead girl.That might have worked as a plot, in fact on paper it looks pretty good, but watching this movie is absolutely no fun at all. There is but a single key event in the movie, which is that somebody falls over the handrail and down the well of a spiral staircase. Believe it or not, the whole film is constructed to dwell on this one event in as many ways as it is possible. First we see the original accident, then we see it again from another view, then we see other characters go through the same event either as witnesses or as victims themselves, sometimes in their childhood and sometimes in their adult states. The film thinks it's clever in mixing the evens of the past with the present, but it doesn't hold any suspense whatsoever, it just looks like a bunch of kids running in circles and then a bunch of adults running in circles again. The so-called shocks of the labyrinth are provided by (wait for it) a white toy bunny and a yellow balloon with a smiling bumble bee on it. Shots of the bunny in particular are wheeled out interminably, not that a single shot of it provokes any feelings of fear whatsoever. At no point in the film does anything approaching scary happen. Not in one single minute of it, and therefore I count "Shock Labyrinth" as a total failure to entertain.By the way, you might pick up the DVD that comes with both 3D and 2D versions, but if you think the 3D will rescue it, think again. It's totally unwatchable, I only lasted about 1.5 minutes before yanking off the 3D specs and sticking the 2D version on.What a shame.
ersinkdotcom "Shock Labyrinth 3D" revolves around a group of childhood friends who share a tragic and dark secret. Their friend Yuki went missing 10 years earlier in a haunted house attraction they snuck into. One night, the lost child shows up as an adult at her friends' front door, frightened and still dressed the same way she was when she disappeared. The group decide to take her to the hospital and upon arriving discover they are locked in the abandoned building with something or someone sinister playing with their minds. Shimizu has a way with pulling you into his films and getting you emotionally involved. He takes you through all sorts of different emotions, from fear to sadness to empathy all in a 90 minute time period. His work goes so much deeper than what American viewers have seen with his "The Grudge" movies. Fans of intelligent horror films will love the "Shock Labyrinth 3D." The movie is an atmospheric and claustrophobic journey through the darkest parts of a person's mind. The fact that it was shot in the actual "Shock Labyrinth" haunted house attraction in Japan helps with the distinctive character of the film.