The Seven-Ups
The Seven-Ups
| 14 December 1973 (USA)
The Seven-Ups Trailers

A tough detective who is part of an elite New York City unit is trying to find out who killed his partner, but uncovers a plot to kidnap mobsters for money.

Alicia I love this movie so much
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Leofwine_draca I enjoyed THE SEVEN-UPS, one of the lesser-known cop thrillers of the 1970s. It's not as good as the big classics of the genre, like THE FRENCH CONNECTION movies or SERPICO, but it is interesting and it has that suitably gritty and realistic look going on. It also has one of the best and most exciting car chases ever put on film, certainly a top ten chase scene, with an incredible bit where a car hides in front of a bus to spring a shotgun-blasting ambush on our hero. Roy Scheider is reliably good as the hero of the hour, a cop on the trail of a kidnapping gang, and the genuinely nasty Richard Lynch has a great role as the chief villain. The film has a low key look which enhances the realism and is generally fast-paced and literate, not needing to spoon feed every little thing to the viewer.
ib011f9545i I think this is felt to be a forgotten classic of its type. I finally bought the blu ray and watched today. Apart from a typically strong performance by Scheider I was not that impressed by this film. It is the sort of film I like but it just did not grab me.
ddo07-2 The actually is not a 73 Pontiac Ventura But is a early 1974 there is a big difference between the two. the care was redesigned in 74. Hopefully someone from IMDb would check it out on google or in a Pontiac Book.I know the film was made in 73 but the car is a 74.
dougdoepke An elite squad of the NYPD goes after a scheme to ransom big time mobsters.An odd thing about this cop caper is that they're practically no women. If memory serves, there's only one young woman, a nurse, and she has one line! And that's pretty much the case even for the street scenes. So if you're a guy looking for eye-candy, this is not your dish. Still they're all kinds of compensations for guys who like their steak on the tough side. Scheider (Buddy) may be a low-key cop, but you never know what he'll do next, lawfully or otherwise. Definitely, you don't want him visiting you in the hospital. Then there's the slick-talking Vito (LoBianco) with the looks of a choir boy and the scruples of Satan. Just where he'll end up is anybody's guess. Of course, there's also the car chase centerpiece, hair-raisingly choreographed. Frankly, I'll not be driving for a while, especially in NYC.I had some trouble at the beginning sorting out the characters. The screenplay more or less let's you figure out who's who, and which side of the law they're on. And since the 7-Ups are in civilian garb, that can be tough if you're not paying good attention. No, Scheider's 7-Up is not particularly likable, but you've got to admire his determination, especially behind the steering wheel. And get a load of the movie locations. I don't think the New York Tourist Bureau will be hiring this crew anytime soon. That last shootout scene looks like it was filmed inside the seedy remnants of a sea-side trash dump. And has a car-wash ever looked so menacing. I bet business dropped off big time after this up-close and personal view of an urban inferno.Anyhow, it's a good tough cop flick, with an unvarnished view of the Big Apple and its police force. Just don't take a car trip there any time soon.