The Scorned
The Scorned
NR | 15 October 2005 (USA)
The Scorned Trailers

After terribly gory happenings occur one day in a hidden beach house on the Malibu Shore, it leaves one person crying, one person soaked in blood, and another one dead. 17 months later, a group of hot twenty somethings move into the now abandoned beach house, all of them unaware of what had happened in the place over a year ago. One by one, temptation seduces the house mates into betraying their romantic relationships and they are punished for their infidelities, by an avenging angel of death. When the first victim is killed, the police believe that it is simply a drug overdose, but a whacked out spiritualist believes in actuality, it was the ghost of the dead girlfriend. With the help of the spiritualist, the new tenants of the house fight to survive and search desperately to unlock the shocking mystery of...THE SCORNED.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Mark Honhorst One cracked and broken step above pornography, this "movie" tells the tale of a comatose lover whose spirit leaves her body to wreak havoc at an old beach house, killing random lovers who cheat. This may sound like an interesting idea, but it is so poorly executed, it's not really worth anyone's 87 minutes. That's 5220 seconds, by the way. 5220 long, long seconds. Anyway, let's start with the cast. It is comprised entirely of reality TV stars. This is a failed gimmick, because none of them can act. The only performance that is even entertaining is that of Ethan Zohn, who plays an eccentric, half baked, (okay, totally baked) psychic. I'm not saying his performance is good, it's just so crazy it's funny. And then there's Jenna Lewis. My question is, why cast this lady in one of the main roles when her voice sounds like she has sandpaper in her throat? Her voice cracks whenever she tries to scream, for Pete's sake! The rest of the cast is terrible. Remember, these are contestants on a TV show, not actors. The plot is slow too. The filmmakers fit in as much sappy TV style "drama" as they can, only killing these annoying characters off in the last 20 minutes or so. And I'd say that a good 30 percent of this film is pure sex scenes. So basically, fans of reality TV won't like the gore, and fans of gore won't like the reality stars. So there's really no reason for anyone to watch this trash. Anyhow, it's Christmas, I've got better stuff to do.
hall895 This was always going to be a terrible movie. No way around that. The only question was whether it would be just plain terrible or would it manage to reach previously uncharted heights (or depths) of awfulness. Not surprisingly considering the "talent" on display The Scorned does in fact go way, way beyond being simply terrible. This is one epically, monstrously, unimaginably terrible movie. The plot is stupid and makes very little sense. And the acting is uniformly pitiful. This has to be the worst cast assembled in movie history. For anyone who thought acting was easy let this movie serve as a rebuttal to that premise. These reality TV "stars" prove that acting is in fact hard work, especially when you have absolutely zero talent. And there is absolutely zero talent on display here. Not one performer comes across credibly, not a one. They're all so hideous that to single anyone out seems almost unfair. But the heck with being fair. Bob Guiney and Tonya Cooley should never be allowed to open their mouths in public again. This would be a great service to the human race. Their "acting" may be the most inept, pathetic endeavor in the history of humankind. They make the just routinely awful Jenna Lewis and Steven Hill look like Hepburn and Brando by comparison. A special mention also for Ethan Zohn who goes way too far in playing a bizarre, offbeat character. He needed to dial it down about a thousand notches or so. His character ends up being just the stupidest thing in a movie which is nothing but a huge, steaming pile of stupid. For all the "stars" of this movie their 15 minutes of fame is well and truly up. The tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go.
miababy2 This contains spoilers* My love affair with this movie definitely began during the "making of" TV show on E!, Kill Reality. By the time the TV show ended I was geeked to see just how these people would die! I was happily surprised by most of the script.I actually thought that the casting was brilliant. It has most of my favorites and I got a huge kick out of watching their first attempt in the movie business. I thought Ethan Zohn was super convincing. His death scene, although super bloody was my favorite! Sweet justice is served watching Jonny "Fairplay" Dalton finally get what he deserves. The DVD is way better than the E! version. The extras are classic.
Mark_Ferman Keeping it brief, I found this movie to be a hoot. Lots of fun, lots of reality people doing something different, acting. Some are quite good at it, others are having so much fun, you just get caught up in it.Lots of fun to watch and lots of fun to place the reality person and the show they are from.The story is pretty basic: Woman Scorned, myaterious things happen, people die, parties happen, people fool around, people die... then the revelation takes place and you understand it all. Has it been done before? Sure. Have you heard these lines before? Well only if you watch reality TV. Hearing and laughing at the "core" reality lines and references coming up in something other than a reality show is a lot of fun.I thought this movie was a lot of fun.