The Right Connections
The Right Connections
| 15 August 1997 (USA)
The Right Connections Trailers

The Tompkins's kids have a good life despite being raised by a single mum. However when Gail loses her job they look like they will have to make sacrifices ...

Diagonaldi Very well executed
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Cem Lamb This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Amy Adler A single mother with four children is fired from her job. As she was struggling to make ends meet, she decides that the best thing to do would be to return to school and finish her degree. Financially, she thinks they can swing it. However, the kids get the mail one day and realize they have a $5,000 bill from the IRS, a gift from their runaway father. Keeping this news quiet from their mother, the foursome try to raise money for the payment. They babysit, walk dogs, mow lawns, and run a lemonade stand but only gain about $100. Then, on the radio, they hear that a hip-hop contest will be held soon and the winner will net, you guessed it, $5,000. Can these kids, with the help of a faded star (MC Hammer), win the darn thing? This is a sweet family movie. The kids are very cute, especially the littlest one, and their aspirations to help their mother are very commendable. That said, it really is a stretch to believe these children could actually win a hip-hop musical event against a bevy of skilled and practiced musicians. But, hey, its only a movie. Hammer is quite nice as the faded star who opens his heart to the kids and Melissa Joan Hart stops by now and then to lend her support as a caring cabbie. No, this is not Oscar-caliber cinema. However, if your kids love music, this film will entertain them for a couple of hours. Connecting kids to a movie with good messages about trying hard and caring for others will never grow old.
bob the moo The Tompkins's kids have a good life despite being raised by a single mum. However when Gail loses her job they look like they will have to make sacrifices to allow her to finish college so that she can get a better job to support the family properly. But the kids discover that, unknown to their mum, their dad has dumped them with a $5k bill from the IRS – something they can't afford without ditching the family plans and getting Gail back into a menial "just getting by" job. A chance meeting with struggling hip hop "star" Kendrick Bragg aka Kicking Back Flash gives them the idea of entering a talent contest with his help. Telling him they can help get his car back from the bailiffs, they convince him to coach them – however the majority of the kids have zero talent and although Jamie does, she refuses to sing.I don't think anyone approaches a television movie starring MC Hammer with any significant hopes of this being a great film – I know I didn't and perhaps that is part of the reason why, although cheap and basic, I still managed to quite enjoy the slight humour it produced. The plot is very obvious and goes just where you expect it to; it will give you no surprises along the way and nothing about it is particularly imaginative. The production values are also pretty low and I was never in doubt that I was watching a TV movie. However it was still quite solid fun because the writers were able to inject a lot of cheeky humour into what could easily have been a horribly sentimental mess filled with "cute kids" and "life lessons". It doesn't manage to totally avoid this but at least the occasional chuckle did a little bit to covering up all the major problems.The cast aren't great but at least they all seem to have bought into the humour of the situation. Hammer seems to enjoy himself without any real sense of ego in his performance. He isn't a great actor but at least he has fun, which does help the audience. The kids are mostly too cute and obvious to be of any real value but the fact that they are real siblings seems to help their chemistry and allows them to also do well with the sense of humour.Overall this is not a great film but it is maybe distracting nonsense for older children. The cast can't really act but they do come across like they "get" the material and help draw the humour out of the script. It is unlikely anyone has come to this expecting anything of any value but the low expectations might mean that you at least get a little surprised by bits of this.
schulze1231 why o why did I waste a Sunday afternoon watching see the further demise of Hammer's career of course. What happened to my once heroic figure in his baggy parachute pants, dancing his life away. Its a sad day indeed when one who was as great as the Hammer man is filling roles such as this, showing off his receeding hairline. Sadly the unintentional comedy of his head is probably the best part of this flick. Please Hammer, Don't hurt me no more...Fade into the sunset as you should have done ten years ago instead of dumping all your money into your "posse." Hopefully this will be the last of Hammer's acting career, not to mention the Hart family. Oh the horror...
ReelDeal-2 Let's don't get crazy. There is nothing redeeming about this silly movie. At first I was wondering what the heck Melissa Joan Hart (who is in a supporting role) is doing in such an awful movie. Then I realized the "stars" were her less talented siblings. This movie is just a chance for Melissa Joan Hart's Hollywood mother to take advantage of Melissa's stardom and to showcase the rest of her brood (can anyone say "Macaulay Culkin"?).The plot is stolen right from a Brady Bunch episode. The acting is on the level of public access television. Imagine watching the home movies of some stranger's children at their school play. The only person who could enjoy this movie would be named Hart or an MC Hammer fanatic.