The Rig
The Rig
| 05 October 2010 (USA)
The Rig Trailers

In the midst of a tropical storm, the crew of an offshore oil rig must survive the rampage of a creature after invading its undersea habitat.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
FountainPen You might as well FF through this entire film, frankly. It is PAINFUL to watch, as poor untalented amateurs try to do some acting, really dreadful. As someone else said, you'd expect better "acting" in a porn movie. I have rated this 2/10 because I reserve my 1/10 ratings for the most extreme, absolute, total worst ever conceived and put on film, tape, or video. The dialogue in "The Rig" is tired, unimaginative, lax, dumb, pathetic. I don't think there really was a director, seems as though the cameramen and actors were somrta left on their own to plod throught the scenes. The colour quality is terrible. The audio is passable. Attempts at humour fall flat. AVOID this piece of nonsense, unless you're punishing yourself for something, like you're doing penance! Awful. Awful. Awful.
Nigel P The idea of something monstrous loose on a storm-lashed oil rig is a very appealing one. A more remote, dangerous outpost it is difficult to imagine. Director Peter Atencio makes good use of a clearly low budget and ushers in a moody and claustrophobic atmosphere, fills it with a gruff working crew, and Writer CW Fallin brings them to life with some often witty dialogue. This, I always think, is the key to a level of success that belies budget – make the characters appealing (or most of them, at least) and the audience are affected by what happens to them.What happens to them is a fairly impressive series of death-by-monster. Many of these attacks are genuinely shocking, not so much in their execution – which is fine but hardly spectacular – but in the way they occur at the least expected moments.It's disheartening to see a fair amount of negative online reviews for this. It doesn't take someone as insignificant as myself to point out that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it would be a shame to think that people slate this purely because of its low budget – which, on the evidence here, isn't THAT low. The insulting 'anyone who votes this more than one star is in some way associated with the movie' is a very narrow-minded and untrue viewpoint.It plods in places, and the finale is somewhat protracted, but there are some impressive directorial flourishes that further compound the remoteness of the location. This Alien-like horror run-around won't change your life, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Ric-7 One of the cast members doubles as the monster. I don't mean he turns into the monster--I mean he puts on the monster suit. And the screen writer has a large role. Two early warnings.The only remotely positive thing is that the film makers somehow got permission to shoot the movie on an actual rig (which was probably ashore when filming occurred). That location might have supported a really good film (which this wasn't).For about the first twenty minutes, I thought that this was going to be quite a surprise--I mean, could it really be THAT bad? Well, uh, yes it could. And it was. From about twenty minutes onward, it only got worse.I can't call this the worst film I have ever seen. There are probably a few others I could think of. If I had a lot of time. The film was not hilariously bad, but rather just painfully bad.
BakuryuuTyranno Much like "Snow Beast" there's not much I can really say about the film; essentially there's people on an offshore rig.Actually, the practical effects monsters are likely the only real positive for most monster movie fans... and there's no human villain.The only noteworthy negative is the confusing focus - two brothers have a plot thread, one tries to transfer off, while the other... becomes a secondary character, overshadowed by another couple. Worse, the entire rig crew cast doesn't appear together... probably ever. While watching I sometimes thought that couple were the older brother & his girlfriend.Otherwise the only notables are that it's less preachy and annoying than "Parasite" and "Ghost Rig", two other offshore rig-based horrors, although unfortunately not quite good.