The Rift
The Rift
| 28 April 2016 (USA)
The Rift Trailers

The satellite has vanished and the only clue is a trail leading to a small village nestled on the outskirts of forest line. As the team begins to investigate they quickly discover that something else came back from space, something not of this world. As their time runs out, the team must battle to unlock the terrifying truth behind the ill-fated mission.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
ses-box Still the worst movie is: Apollo 18 This is the second worst movie. Trash!
thingmaker2001 Science-less science fiction with no point and little coherence. I suppose I should have been warned by the sorta nonsensical title but the credits at the beginning depict the moon rotating in space and clearly depict the reality that the moon has no "dark side" but rather a day /night cycle just like the earth; just longer. Alas, I should have remembered that sfx sequences are often done by people smarter and/or more interested in accuracy than the film-makers. There are some good scenes at the very beginning which provide background on the main character, but it's all downhill from there. Characters behave bizarrely, even before the story begins to depend on bizarre events to propel it. The music is eccentric and often... Well, the word bizarre keeps coming to mind. Honestly, I had to skip over large parts of the film, which was annoying me too much to endure, but I am absolutely certain I didn't miss anything that would have rendered it interesting or meaningful.
Marid5577 Just adding my bit to those who ranked on the music. OMG, ear bleedingly loud and so totally sound deaf to the action on screen. It's like they mixed up the sound track to a bad action movie with this weird waste of film.
cliftongop If this was a good example of science fiction, I'm going to give up on SF and watch the Hallmark Channel with my wife. I hardly know where to start, but let's try continuity--there wasn't any.The music was low-budget and almost always loud with little variety or nuance, mostly electric guitar I think. People were murdered and came back to life and I have no idea why or how. A child survived when one side of his face was hanging loose after being chopped by an axe. Two people jumped from a window less than 20 feet high and they get up, limping badly--until they were chased they could run up a long flight of ouyside open stairs in the dark.If you like gore, this is the movie for you. Men, women and children were shot, beaten, gored, axed or impaled at regular intervals.There was some kind of purple ring. You could reach through to another time or dimension or something. This was supposed to be a sci-fi movie, but there was no logic, science or coherent plot.The overacting was outrageous. The cast took turns yelling about almost everything. Since everyone was doing it, I guess they were directed that way.Whoever the heroes were and however they were supposed to connected, there was always someone breaking off from the group to explore, just like it was a 1980s horror movie where the girl wearing only her underwear wandered off and always got killed.What was it about?. Well, one of the guys had been on the moon 35 years ago, He died there, and now he's back on earth and he's alive to haunt his fellow astronaut who is a member of this merry group. I didn't get much more than that, or why everyone was killing each other. It was hard to tell who the good and bad guys were.I kept waiting for the big reveal to put it all together. It never came.That's 1.5 hours of my life that I'll never get back.