The Ride
The Ride
PG | 14 October 1997 (USA)
The Ride Trailers

A has-been cowboy is given a second chance at the hands of an unexpected teacher.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Lt_Coffey_182 The Ride is a very different kind of film that was never designed to break box office figures but rather convey a message. With strong religious themes throughout, the film is very much down to interpretation. As an atheist, I was angered at how Danny (Brock Pierce) appeared to be forcing Smokey (Michael Biehn) in to religion. This is how I saw it but it is entirely possible that Danny was simply trying to open Smokey's mind. Smokey's inevitable conversion to Christianity, whilst infuriating to me, was handled very well by Biehn.Where the film flourishes is in the opposing sides to Smokey's character. On one hand he is a selfish drunk but also he is compassionate and cares deeply for Danny and Linette. Whilst not always reacting the best way to situations, Smokey knows what's right and eventually comes through. The relationship between Smokey and Danny is also very touching. Whilst not agreeing with Danny's behaviour, he displays great courage and a purely platonic love for the entire world. The bonds between the characters are visibly, very strong and you can't help but feel great empathy all the way through the film.The main reason to watch this film is Michael Biehn. Whilst he should be in much better films than this, Biehn takes his role very seriously and gives one of his strongest performances in a very long time. Biehn walks a fine line between arrogance and charisma as he did in K2 and it is very convincing that he makes friends and enemies in equal measure. It is a very demanding role as Smokey Banks is a very complex character and Biehn as always exceeds all requirements.Religion is still very much a taboo subject and whilst I myself am not Christian, I admire the film maker's courage in showing his beliefs. The major axe I have to grind with this film is the culture it portrays. I hate bull rodeos as they are immensely cruel and the whole cowboy way of life theme becomes a tad tiresome. The 'hicksville' ranch that Banks is staying at is so stereotyped that you can picture George W. Bush being extremely happy there.The Ride is fantastic once you look through the cheesy themes as it touches the emotions with great power. It is the inner core of the film that remains in the mind after watching, making The Ride well worth watching.
sarawoah I was forced to watch this movie at school in 8th grade & I thought it was pretty boring. It was kinda sad that the Danny kid had cancer but you KNEW he was going to die and then Smokey would be all "Oh I see now! I think I'll be a Christian!". In order for Christian movies to actually get out there and be a major force people need to re think how they write movies, who they're writting it for. As Paul(I think it was paul) said "to those with the law I became as those with the law. to those w/o the law I became as those w/o the law..." you finish the rest.
fan4ad Christian movies are such bores. They are cliched, middle of the road films that only the converted would watch and enjoy. Here of course you have the bald cancer patient kid, the sinful rancher who no longer rides, and the sweet Christians. Always funny--the Christians are always good natured and great, but the sinners are judgemental. Of course the kid wins a great victory and dies; the rancher will come to Christ after he struggles with his own nature (he doesn't want to help that kid because he is not a Christian and the kid is bald). There is the moment of course where everyone will shave their heads to make the cancer kid feel good. A heart-warming moment every 5 minutes or so, and it make me sick. THe Christian world view is so romanticized--no life is not like this, and it would be boring if it was. Avoid like a Christian crusade.
couple4fun1 It's nice to just sit down every once in a while and have a film really touch the heart. Michael Biehn stars as a washed up rodeo star who now only rides the bottle and gambles until he gets stuck as a ranch hand. His life is changed as he trains a terminal 14 year old to ride. If you have a chance, see this film with the whole family.