The Resurrection of Jake The Snake
The Resurrection of Jake The Snake
| 23 January 2015 (USA)
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A fallen professional wrestling superstar battles his past demons in a struggle to reclaim his life and the family that has given up on him.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
classicsoncall I have to admit, seeing the depths to which Jake 'The Snake' Roberts had fallen was truly depressing. I know it happens to a lot of pro wrestlers, with life on the road leading to addictions involving drugs and alcohol, but to see it take it's toll the way it had on Roberts was a real eye opener. You have to credit the man for stepping up and admitting his failures as a human being, to himself and his family, and finally deciding to turn things around. What surprised me most here was how inspirational a guy like Diamond Dallas Page was, and how he dealt with Roberts in a totally non-judgmental way, even when Jake kept backsliding with the booze at points along the way. With cameos by wrestlers like Ted DiBiase, Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, and Dustin Runnels, the picture provides ample proof that anyone in similar circumstances like Jake the Snake doesn't have to submit to their addictions, or curse life for dealing them a bad hand. Here's hoping Jake Roberts keeps his life on track, not only for himself but for the family and people around him that love him enough to forgive his past failures.
zkonedog Before I started watching traditional sports like baseball or football, I was enthralled as a child by the outlandish characters of the WWF. Jake "The Snake" Roberts was always one of my favorites. I mean, who couldn't like a guy who's gimmick is a live snake coming out of a bag?! As such, I was interested to see how Jake was doing some 25 years after his wrestling career. The usual rhetoric with professional wrestlers is that they fall on hard times and die young, and Jake was indeed on that path...until an intervention from a fellow wrestling buddy saved him. "Resurrection of Jake The Snake" tells the story of that intervention.When viewers get their first glimpse of Jake in this documentary, he is in rough shape. He's 300 lbs., can hardly move/walk, addicted to cocaine, a raging alcoholic, and doesn't make all that much sense when verbalizing. A sad state, indeed, compared to his former sporting glories, where he was one of the most anticipated draws on any wrestling card. Basically, he is playing out the string with an early death looming on the horizon.Enter Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), a former wrestler himself who was once mentored by Jake. Diamond pays Jake a visit, sees his sorry condition, and decides to intervene. He takes Jake into his own home, gets him physically active again, and holds him accountable for his alcoholism and addictions. Slowly but surely, Jake begins to come around, taking things one step at a time (sometimes literally), always striving towards a return to self-respectability. Along the way, the mentee even becomes the mentor, as Scott Hall ("Razor Ramon") joins the picture and is in equally poor shape. Through their common bond of squared circle participated, Jake and Scott are able to help each other pull themselves out of the darkness.Of course, as with any story of rehabilitation, there are many bumps along the road. I won't go into the details here and spoil everything, but suffice it to say there are moments when the cause looks lost and Jake succumbs to his inner demons. This documentary doesn't shy away from showing him at his worst, either. However, the fact that the film ends with Jake being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame should give you a pretty good indication that the tone is a hopeful one throughout.So, for anyone who enjoyed Jake the Snake's wrestling era (late 80s/early 90s), this is a must- see film. You'll initially be taken aback by how far some of your former wrestling heroes have fallen, but in this case there are just as many (if not more) happy moments to balance out the darkness. I felt myself sincerely rooting for Jake throughout the entire experience, and those with a nostalgia for his persona from back in the day will likely have a similar reaction.
fieldshane I grew up watching WCW and WWF, and a lot of the people in this show. This is, by far, the best documentary I've ever seen. It's put together very well, it gets the viewer involved in emotional highs and lows.I had tears in my eyes the majority of this show. Great documentary, and GREAT story. The way that commentary was added after the fact, mixed in with real-time commentary gave it something special. I've seen other wrestling documentaries, but even the NWO one doesn't come close to this. And that was a great one I thought.It's great to see people coming together. Old friends, long-time fans, etc., coming together for the rehab (physically, but more importantly emotionally) for Jake the Snake.
Michael Coles When Jake needed help "WE" were there for him and made him cry tears of joy, because US fans "give a damn" about THREE legends of wrestling. At the helm Diamomnd Dallas Page yes he is thee rarest Diamond YOU will ever find, to help Jake battle his demons and overcome the odds along side Scott Hall who was drinking himself blind together all three went on a journey to HELL & back.Look At Jake now a comedy tour, a new lease of life living to win the same goes to Scott Hall. I have been a wrestling fan since 1989/1990 This is Diamond Dallas Page giving back to the two people who got him into wrestling and this is how he re-pays them by paying ti forward being there when they needed help the most.With us fan donating what we could afford makes me smile from ear to ear because they truly deserve it.Jake now has a comedy tour, Scott is doing appearances.BOTH are now Hall Of Famers Diamond Dallas Page should get inducted by both of them DDP's accolades alone is a Hall Of Fame Worthy career.It was a hard road for both Scott & Jake in this movie you will see their pain, their heartache, the ups and downs and all in between.I wanna thank all of you including myself who bought the DVD via Indiegogo you are a million to one. So are you DDP, Jake & Scott if you ain't down with that i got two words for ya.