The Recall
The Recall
R | 02 June 2017 (USA)
The Recall Trailers

When five friends vacation at a remote lake house, they expect nothing less then a good time, unaware that Earth is under attack by an alien invasion and mass-abductions.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
gurioela I'm here once again to state the difference between a movie and a masterpiece .Many times you ask yourself ,how can i spend my time watching something worthy ?! this is how! Great cast , great story, scenario , pacing, and that feeling about wanting more and more !i can say ,this is something especial .I hope you can watch, and after you do that, please review this amazing movie,and be pleases to leave a 10 as i did. This way ,all of us can make a difference , the difference that puts something special at the top, not all of those crappy movies that gives you nothing but a truly time-wasting !Hope to read you here very soon ;)
John_Coles The overall premise of the movie was good, which you didn't find out until the end.It had a reasonably good pace to the movie itself, and was tried to create suspense throughout by leaving us guessing what would happen next. It was poorly executed though, and by the end of the movie you realise that there was no point to half of the scenes in the movie, and a lot of random elements that don't seem to add up in the scheme of things. Also many plot holes.The storyline by the end of the film has potential, but I highly doubt anyone would choose to see a sequel even if they funded one.
Bob Rutzel Here's the thing: Five go on vacation in the mountains, they meet an angry Hunter (Wesley Snipes) and then an Alien invasion breaks out worldwide. How could it get any worse? Let me tell you.The dialogues of the Five were sort of okay, the acting was sort of okay, but the decisions they make when they learn of the invasion leaves everything to be desired. They eventually learn to trust the Hunter and he has a story to tell. He tells them this has gone on before as the Aliens like to experiment on humans the same way we experiment on animals. He says the Aliens are after him, not them. The Hunter gives Charlie (Jedidiah Goodacre) and Annie (Laura Bilgeri) the keys to the boat so they can get away. The Hunter will stay and confront the Aliens and this is something he relishes. Notables to round out the Five: R.J. Mitte as Brendan; Niko Pepaj as Rob; and Hannah Rose May as Kara. We see two forms of Aliens: one looks like an orange floating jellyfish with tassels and the other looks like a monster Dr. Frankenstein could have made. (okay, maybe more ugly) There was never any communication toward the Five and the Hunter.In time all are abducted and when they come back to Earth, they have the markings they saw on the Hunter. There are some very gruesome scenes in the Alien ship. Charlie sees Rachel (Megan Pereira) who was his girlfriend in life, but who died in a car accident. She asks Charlie to let her go as he has had a very hard time missing her and believing he could have done more to save her before the car exploded. Whoever died is now alive. (Must have been good Aliens, eh?) Of course, this is not the end as it could have been. Oh, no, they are stopped by a police roadblock on their way off the mountain, and the intention of the police is to kill the Five for the government can't trust them and the officials have no idea what they are now capable of. Here again the Hunter appears. Here you will see the twist that you keep asking about. Remember the title of this: The Recall? Keep in mind the story the Hunter told and he seemed to indicate that the Aliens may have helped the Human Race to progress. The invasion did not kill anyone worldwide. Yes, the Aliens wanted to kill the Hunter because he had a score to settle with them. As the movie fades, it is not clear to me if the Five go back to their lives from which they came or did they go to the Hunter's cabin? Well, they are all now the same. See? (7/10)Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: Yes. Language: Yes.
hamiltondl I give this film a 5 for 2 reasons. First, Snipes does a decent job of bringing a bit of professionalism to the mess. Second, the film, lighting and sound are of decent quality. The teen protagonists are, for the most part, a bunch of shallow, whiny, uncoordinated children. The special effects consist mostly of bright lights and synthesizer sounds. I watched it for free, so I didn't overpay.