The Radicals
The Radicals
| 01 January 1990 (USA)
The Radicals Trailers

The story of the Anabaptist movement and two of its first leaders, Michael and Margaretha Sattler.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Repen T. OrBurn This is a marvelous movie, just fantastic.It's historically accurate, inspiring, faith-building, entertaining, informational ... and most importantly, honoring to the One true God of the Bible!There are no negatives to this film at all that I can think of. The actors certainly are not Hollywood stars, but a lack of such "stars" actually makes the characters more believable. I don't want to see Leo DiCaprio playing Michael Sattler ... I want to see someone I am not familiar with play such a hero of the faith, so that I can actually relate to that man of God, and not think about how well Leo "played the part", etc.,.In conclusion, every Christian on earth should see this movie in my opinion ... and I believe everyone else would do well to see it also.
JDahlNV I first developed an interest in this film because of my interest in the career of Norbert Weisser, the lead actor who plays Michael Sattler. I came away with a deep appreciation for the story, the characters of Michael and Margaretha Sattler, and the people that brought this film to reality. The love story is probably the most well acted and believable I have ever seen. The on-screen chemistry between Norbert Weisser and the beautiful and gracious Leigh Lombardi is a tangible thing. The story of their faith, their beliefs and the inner courage they had is even more powerful.The supporting cast is fabulous -- everyone turns in terrific performances. However, I must say that I am partial to Norbert Weisser as Michael Sattler. He brought forth a wonderful sensitivity to the character of Michael Sattler. Norbert often plays a villain on the screen, but his quiet and calm manner as Michael was exceptionally well acted.Even though I had limited knowledge of the Reformation and the Anabaptist movement, and had never heard of Michael and Margaretha Sattler, I got so caught up in this film that I developed and designed an entire website based on the film, the historical characters and the location -- the film was that well done, watchable and memorable. The entire cast and crew really pulled off an under-rated masterpiece with this film that is enjoyable on many levels and one you will want to watch over and over.Yes, this is a faith-based film, but it is also a well written and produced historical film, a love story that rivals the best of them, and a testimonial of having the inner courage of standing true to your beliefs no matter what the price. You will love this movie!
menno-9 As a Mennonite, this has to be my favorite B-movie: appropriate for a simple-living faith! Apart from the geek-chic factor of the intimidating Eberhard Hoffman being played by Spock's dad, the film captures the emotional appeal of Anabaptism: an earnest desire for religion without worldly politics woven in, their temptation by and rejection of violence, the persecution from both Catholics and Protestants, the romance of simple living.I'm no film student, but I think the romance between Michael Satler and Margaretha is touchingly developed, and the dramatic opening sequence where Hans Blaurock and friends march through the snow to arrive just in time to try to stop an infant baptism adds an amusingly ironic touch of Hollywood.But don't expect to find the movie theologically persuasive
elrenaud An excellent movie about the lives of the Anabaptists - Michael and Margaretha Sadler. Michael was a monk and Margaretha a nun - they both left their religious orders in search of a New Testament faith. Their brief marriage was terminated when Michael was burned at the stake and Margaretha was drowned. Christian film all should see.