The Quiet Room
The Quiet Room
| 21 March 1996 (USA)
The Quiet Room Trailers

A seven-year-old girl adopts a vow of silence in protest when her quarrelsome parents grow increasingly hostile to one another.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
film_lover_6147 This film is one of my favorite films of all time. Because I loved the way the girl talked in her head, she talked more like a grown person, not a 8 year old. Her humor was dry, but funny. And the way she loved her parents, even with their faults was remarkable. The actress who played the little girl did some of the best acting I have ever seen. She hit my heartstrings. The parents were awesome too, playing out two people on the verge of a divorce. Even the babysitter was good. so all in all the acting was superb.The director really stood out with this movie, being able to make a hard-to-shoot film look easy. My hat is off to him.I recommend this film for a 'Thinker' movie buff.
gamma693 I found a used copy of this on ebay and bought it because I saw Bad Boy Bubby (one of Rolf's earlier films) and loved it. While it was completely different, I enjoyed it just as much as I did Bubby.I've read other users complain of how De Heer spells out everything in his films and doesn't give the viewers a chance to pick up on things for themselves... When this movie started, I felt the same way but soon got used to it and was able to look past it. The film is about a girl who decided to quit talking, but we hear narration through out the film, answering all of her parents questions, etc. More silence might have made for a better film, but it also could have made it a bit more boring. It did drag a bit as is, but the girl was great in the movie (even her stupid rhymes) and I couldn't stop watching.Being a child of divorce, one of the fight scenes hit a little close to home. I remember feeling exactly as the girl did when it happened in my family, covering my head trying to block it out, crying etc. This movie took me right back to those times, like it or not.I liked how none of the characters had names and also how small the cast was. The movie works because of how simple it was. I'm curious to see more of Rolf's films now, too bad none of the rental stores here carry any of his stuff.
dwpollar 1st watched 10/15/1999 - 8 out of 10(Dir-Rolf De Heer): Excellent story of a child's perspective on life with parents who are having a hard time making things work.Definetly not a hollywood movie, but rather a slice of real life.Why can't us Americans make more time for movie's like this?(This film is Australian made.)
Mad-Scientist I was glad to notice a movie by Rolf de Heer in the TV guide, since I really liked his "Bad Boy Bubby". But this was a totally different movie. It's about a girl who decides not to speak to her parents anymore to get them closer together since their marriage is not what it once was. But what I really wanted to point out is the use of colors in this movie.I didn't see it at first but there are two main colors used to indicate the mood of the people. Blue points out a very sad mood, whereas red points out the opposite, happiness. Notice the extremely red sweater the girl is suddenly wearing near the end of the movie...