The Promise
The Promise
| 06 February 2011 (USA)
The Promise Trailers

A young British girl travels to Israel/Palestine, retracing the steps of her grandfather - a British soldier stationed there in the 1940s.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lawbolisted Powerful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
mjohnson-59927 My wife recently downloaded this as a box set and watching it again reconfirms my belief that this is the most important television drama of the decade.Inevitably given its subject, there are bound to be those who do not agree with or accept its premise, the plot, the direction, the acting etc etc.They are simply wrong and angry that it does not confirm their own preconceptions rather than judging it on its merits.It is an interpretation of events from one point of view and there could and should be others. It is nonetheless gut wrenchingly effective, emotionally compelling, well scripted, brilliantly acted and directed.So much TV drama in recent years is anodyne, politically neutered, action packed hokum or crime led escapism. This is the antidote, challenging and compelling.The Promise is a remarkable and memorable work of art that happens to be television drama. Nothing is ever perfect and there is a clear directorial stance (or bias, if you prefer) but it has huge ambition and succeeds triumphantly on its own terms while carrying a mighty punch.Find it, watch it and decide for yourself.
samirakel I come from Palestine, when I started watching this mini-series, I was mentally prepared for the common western biased production of The Palestine cause, I am surprised at the end, that this was not only unbiased to any party, but also, shed more in my conscious on the British position, the Jews misery in Germany and later their perspective to occupy our lands and renaming our country. The drama was great, not a common Hollywood Bad Guys Vs.Good Guys BS. It gave me an urge to watch again and again and show it to my parents, relatives who are all refugees, a great and intelligent production, I strongly recommend it to anyone. If I was not Palestinian, or involved in this story, I still find a great story line, intelligent script and acting.
Tom 'After all, it's only fiction..' is what the author/film maker reminds us, when unable to answer some important questions about this sentimental TV series..If you're looking to be manipulated (the film starts relatively promisingly), and totally but subtly brain-washed by this pretentious project, based merely on a limited research (time & sources wise), there's a series for you! Of course, clichés are too difficult to resist (ex. the Israelis living in a luxurious villa, whereas in reality the majority of them live in simple building flats!)If you're really interested in the subject (complicated, as it is), serious sources are not lacking.. don't waste your time!
jontic A great piece of intelligent television. Biased? Didn't seem to spare anyone. Pretty much every group was shown acting horrendously, but also how much of those actions arose/arise from the context, and were compelling and difficult to avoid. Palestinians, British, the Isrealis, none demonised despite the awful things they all did and do, and as such it was really a remarkable feat. It is very hard to find that middle ground, (and that is also the problem for those in Isreal who want peace too). Great performances from Christian Cooke and Clare Foy. Clare in particular played the not terribly likable ingénue with distinction and subtlety. It isn't Hollywood, not evil v good, no heroes and no villains. The violence is shown as solving nothing and just leads to more vile acts of attrition. The story that holds it together has some artificiality, but does manage to run the two threads, 1947-8 and 2010 together very well.
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