The Perfect Bride
The Perfect Bride
| 26 June 1991 (USA)
The Perfect Bride Trailers

A young woman begins to suspect that her brother's young fiancée, an attractive Englishwoman, is actually a serial killer who kills men on the eve of their weddings.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
MissTA252327 I have seen this movie over and over. It's one of my favorite movies. While watching the 2017 movie "A Wedding To Die For" I realized that it had the same plot: crazy bride going around killing everyone who gets in the way of her perfect wedding. The same producer and writer Pierre David also made both movies.
lisafordeay The Perfect Bride is a 1991 TV movie starring Kelly Preston(Jack Frost) as Laura a young woman who's brother Ted is getting married to a very attractive blonde named Stephanie(Sammie Davis)who is originally from England. What Laura's brother doesn't know is that his fiancee is a serial killer who kills her fiances on the eve of her wedding to them as she uses a syringe with poison added to it which kills off her fiances in an instant,as before the film starts we see Stephanie with dark hair killing her fiance in bed and she cuts and dyes her hair blonde so that no one would know that it was her.Laura grows suspicious of Stephanie when she sees her acting all weird. Will Laura save her brother from Stephanie's evil plans. Overall the film is actually not that bad. Sammie Davis who plays the pschopathic Englishwoman was so eerie and mainpulative as Stephaine the attractive blonde who kills men on the eve of her wedding. Kelly Preston was very good as Laura who as I have mentioned suspects that Stephaine is up to no good. If you like Sleeping With The Enemy and I Married An Axe Murderer than check it out.
Robert J. Maxwell SPOILERS.Men and women are different. Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Women like to talk about things, especially relationships. There are intrigues, exiles, confidantes, the sharing of secrets with best friends. Men like to do things. They compete for power, they define themselves by their actions, they are uncomfortable with self revelation or attempts at insight. That's why it's so neat when a man and a woman go out on a dinner date. They can both do what they enjoy doing. The woman can talk and the man can eat. This is a woman's story -- all about secrets, victimization, and so forth. Sammi Davis, a name to conjure with, is a murderous blonde who offs her husbands on their wedding nights. Everyplace she goes, she seems to leave a string of corpses behind but nobody notices except Kelly Preston, whose brother Davis is about to marry. Kelly snoops and digs up evidence of Davis's past but of course no one believes her, especially not her family, so she begins sounding like someone who is a few clowns short of a circus. In the end everyone comes to their senses and realizes how right she was all along, of course, because this is a woman's fantasy. I don't think we ever find out what the prospective bride groom does for a living. (Working is behaving, not talking.) The ending turns into a routine slasher thing with Davis pursuing Preston through the house with a butcher knife. Preston hides in the attic. The potential victim must always hide from the murderer either in a dark attic or a dark cellar. That's from Section 12B-1 of the screenwriter's code.The acting. Absolutely awful. Not one believable word is uttered on screen. It's barely a notch above what we find in skin flicks, or what I prefer to call "cinema erotique." (Sorry, I can't find the accents for those "e"s.) Sammi Davis is execrable, but then they all are, from the talent all the way on down to the lowest atmosphere person. John Agar, as the semi-senile "Gramps," is SO bad he's actually funny. Kelly Preston is good-looking in an ordinary way. Sammi Davis, however, has a memorable face, a strangely vulpine set of features, big jaw, broad nose, crossed eyes. It's really too bad she can't act because her looks have character that her voice lacks. I guess I won't go on about this. I sat through it fascinated because I needed to know if it was as shallow as it all seemed to be. It was like rubbernecking at a highway accident full of twisted metal and body parts. Sammi Davis is even given a ten-cent motive for all those killings. (We see several flashbacks leading up to this revelation.) Her mother, deserted by her father, slits her own wrists and dies on the bathroom floor, but not before telling Sammi -- "Don't ever let any man do to you what your father did to me." If you think you might enjoy seeing a well-done version of this story, one that's better in every respect, and not just because of higher production values, see "Black Widow." It's a movie in which we never do find out why Theresa Russell kills all her mates, because such an explanation is impossible. Outside of comic books, anyway.
helpless_dancer Had this film been a submarine it would have sunk in shallow water from all the holes. This woman was so psychotic she couldn't have hidden her condition from a half witted, blind, ten year old. She had more problems than a certain gentleman driving a white Bronco down an L.A. freeway. All her victims sported a pair of dead giveaways that any first year morgue attendant could spot from across the street. Hello? Do the authorities know how to spell autopsy? Aside from these glaring holes the size of King Kong's hemorrhoids it wasn't a total wash-out. Decent enough performances but the pratfalls were strictly amateurville. After the first 5 minutes I saw exactly how the thing would end....and it did. This picture reminded me a lot of 2 other movies in this genre which were much better: "Black Widow" and "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle".