The Perfect Boss
The Perfect Boss
| 20 August 2013 (USA)
The Perfect Boss Trailers

Beautiful, successful Jessica Slade is used to getting what she wants whether she has to use her brains, charm, or body to do it. So when Jessica is hired by Mickelson Pharmaceuticals to fast-track a drug that will keep the company afloat, she’s confident she can convince the FDA to make it happen. What she doesn’t know, however, is that one of the researchers, Don, has discovered that the drug is killing people...

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
marsmitchell79 It's one of those movies that you watch the 1st time and you'll give it an 8, because your standards are not really high. The time that I looked more closely at the minor details, I give it a 4! Plenty of errors in the writing of this one. A prostitute claims she could not make out what the criminal looks like in the night, but somehow she's able to tell what's on his license plates from a distance. Then, her friend just so happens to be an IT tech wannabe, which she needs to find out who murdered her dad! The executress allows her mother to blackmail her over a murder that happened when she wad a kid! Then, she just so happened to know when her mom would be in the tub, despite being out of her house for 6 years or more! The director did not care about 20-something lady's acting either. When her dad died, she felt like she let him down and she did not cry! A husband dies out of the blue and he looks like he's been cut in the face.The stock option part does make sense(probably the only major part that does make sense), because the 2 execs really did not care about the company--only about getting paid. A problematic miracle drug would swamp a company with lawsuits, but they didn't care. The reason why it makes sense is because the 2 execs got paid and left-- regardless of what happens to the company.
punishmentpark I watched the trailer on 13th Street and was looking forward to a bad film that would still have a true milf in it, namely Jamie Luner. It turns out they put in only the most becoming shots of her in the trailer, because mostly she looked very tired throughout the film. Tired, as in: not such a good nip and tuck job. And there a couple more such people in the film, none of them being very good actors (understatement).For the rest of it, this wasn't the bad TV-movie as expected, it was way worse. Boring, silly, unbelievable, those kinds of adjectives, and lots of them. I don't know how exactly Canadian tax dollars are involved here (read that in another review here on IMDb), but that would truly have been unfair to the hard working people of Canada, for sure.2 out of 10, because of my sympathy for Jamie Luner in spite of it all.
rps-2 This is not a bad film. But I have given it a low rating because it is yet another of these Canadian conceived, Canadian produced, Canadian shot, Canadian tax funded movies that cravenly ARE SET IN THE UNITED STATES!!!!! It is demeaning, embarrassing, frustrating and self- defeating. It is one thing when American companies come up here to shoot their own movies. But it is INFURIATING when Canadian film makers do not have THE GUTS to set their stories in Canada. They and the government justify it by claiming that it creates work for Canadian actors and film makers and that it is necessary if a film is to be sold in the US. NONSENSE! The Australians seem to turn out some pretty good product that is set in Australia. In this case, Ottawa was used as a set for a sort of ill defined New York City with American cops, American license plates, the American FDA and that surefire giveaway: American flags all over the place. Why didn't these billious wimps have enough self confidence to set their story in Toronto where there is indeed a sizeable pharmaceutical industry. (The story is about FDA approval of a dangerous new prescription medicine.)
jimmerw As a Canadian, I am used to seeing these awful movies that our tax payer dollars pay for.But after my 47 years on this earth, I don't think I have ever seen a movie worse than this.Everything is bad. The main characters are abysmal actors. And the supporting cast is even worse.At first this felt like an after school special meets a soap opera. But then it just got worse.It isn't even visually pleasing. The main character looks like a squinting duck. And she is cast as the attractive one. What enrages me is that my tax dollars went to make this visual abortion. I clicked on 1 star, only because that was the lowest I could rate this. I don't know how this movie could have been worse. It is the poster child of how not to make a movie. I want to meet the film maker, and beat him. My tax dollars made this. Why??????? I am disgusted that my tax dollars went to make something worse than a high school production.