The Pentagon Papers
The Pentagon Papers
R | 09 March 2003 (USA)
The Pentagon Papers Trailers

This compelling political drama is based on the true story of high-ranking Pentagon official Daniel Ellsberg, who, during the Nixon era, strove to preserve American democracy by leaking top-secret documents to the New York Times and Washington Post. The documents in question would eventually become famous as the Pentagon Papers, which revealed the true reasons for U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
rzajac Not bad. But I file this under the rubric of being yet-another face- saving exercise. It showcases all the horrors of Vietnam, and Elsberg as a kind of redemptive icon. Understand: I'm sure Elsberg had his realization and the work he did to undo the damage is... yes, even heroic. But there's something about producing a consumable media product that dances these elements about on a screen (and throws in a de rigueur love interest) for our delectation that only serves to hint at the fathomless American lostness; American perdition.The U.S. has yet to stand on a mountaintop and scream it: Vietnam was a war crime. The Vietnam Memorial on the mall is a monument to (more or less) unwitting dupes to planetary deadly gangster hubris. Germany has come to terms with its war crimes; when will the U.S. come to terms with its own?Sigh: I give it an 7 because, dammit, it's a technically fine product, and it does tell a story, and it's arguably (still) an important story. But it loses points for the same reason that a "Brave New World" "feelie" would lose points among sensible folks. I worry that this flick is yet-another makeover of the corpse of The-U.S.-in-Vietnam.
Enchorde Recap: A dramatized story of how Daniel Ellsberg, former employee of the think tank RAND and adviser to the government. Having found discrepancies in the reports coming from the Vietnam War he goes to investigate. He then becomes completely disillusioned. When he, because of his high clearance, gets access to the very top secret Pentagon Papers, a document proving how American government has deceived its people, he decides to make them public.Comments: Actually a very nice dramatization, with emphasis on drama. It is hard to get some suspense out of a more documentarian approach, but going with more drama you're being able to include more suspense in your story. Without being the most surprising movie ever, the movie does include quite enough suspense. Enough to keep me interested all the way.More interestingly though, is the use of sound and music. It is really in touch with the movie, enhancing scenes with an emotional score. If you're interested it is worth a watch just to listen to it.Nothing to remember, but worth to spend the 80 minutes it runs.6/10
rgblin This real story describes how did Daniel Ellsberg try to stop Vietnam War. He was one of them who thought the victory belongs to USA. But when he was being a inspector in Vietnam, he started to doubt himself. The papers for evaluating the situation of the war for Vietnam from Rand Corporation is totally changed him. I don't know anything about Vietnam War before seeing this movie. And this movie makes me to recall another movie, Fahrenheit 911. Both movies are different in style. One is telling the truth in back, the other one may be a truth, too. One is using serious way, the other one using a humorous way(but we should take it seriously, war is not a funny thing). I think anything has connection with politics, that will be the most terrible thing. Because everybody has a dark side. No one is totally bright!(That is that guy's dark side is having huge bright proportion.) I don't think Daniel Ellsberg is a traitor. If he is, he betrayed to the law which protect people who make wrong decision and don't want to take responsibility.
ielle The television had been plaguing me with advertisements for The Pentagon Papers, and my interest in the government and conspiracies and the CIA et cetera had already been piqued, so I decided to watch it.Unfortunately, I wasn't at home when it came on, so I taped it, and when I finally got around to watching it, I was hooked.Excellent movie for anyone who enjoys movies about the government and conspiracies and especially Vietnam.