The One-Armed Executioner
The One-Armed Executioner
R | 08 April 1983 (USA)
The One-Armed Executioner Trailers

An Interpol agent is out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his battle with depression has to be won first before he can be thoroughly trained in martial arts. After his training, Ortega hunts down his adversaries for a final reckoning.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Comeuppance Reviews Ramon Ortega (Guerrero) is an Interpol agent living in the Philippines. His professional and personal relationships have never been better, including his marriage to his hot blonde American wife Ann (Kay) - until one day tragedy strikes. A gang of super-evil baddies kill Ann, destroy his life, and, to add insult to injury, cut off one of his arms. Naturally, Ramon then spirals into alcoholism and depression. After threatening to kill all his assailants, his boss Wo-Chen (who can only be described as an Asian Tommy Lee Jones) states "you're not ready" (and insensitively warning "hands off"), and puts him on a grueling training regimen. Now back in fighting shape, Ramon sets off to make good on his promise of revenge. But will he complete his mission what with his handicap of having, you know, only one arm? Find out today! In our world, at least, The One Armed Executioner is a video-store classic. Producer/co-writer/director Suarez had previously lit up drive-in screens with gems like Cleopatra Wong (1978), but now he's firmly in the VHS era. He would follow that up with American Commandos (1986) to further reinforce that. TOAE was originally released on VHS in the U.S. on the great Paragon label. As great as that was, it's nice to have the Dark Sky DVD which offers a cleaned-up, widescreen version, and it's paired up with the aforementioned Cleopatra Wong as a double-feature. The tone of TOAE is much darker than the sprightly Wong, as befits the revenge movie style. Seeing as how revenge movies are among our personal favorite genres, this can proudly sit with the others in our revenge collections.The movie gets off to a bang, features plenty of fighting, shooting, and blow-ups, and, of course, a classic, extended training sequence (in the woods, naturally). The music by Gene Kauer is killer and keeps you engaged. Even some guard towers get blown up, and this isn't even an Exploding Hut movie. As the baddies are attempting to flee in their speedboat towards the end of the movie, we see there's a swastika emblazoned on it. Apropos of nothing, as if the baddies weren't bad enough, we're now clearly shown they have a Nazi Boat. What follows is a helicopter-boat chase (Nazi Boat, specifically) - did you expect to chase it with another boat? But this isn't your average heli. It also has a large logo emblazoned on it, but it's not a swastika. Oh no, these are the good guys. Naturally, their logo reads "The Small Fry". It looks like the sign for a restaurant. Presumably all restaurants in the Philippines have their own attack helicopters. At least that's what we believe based on what we've seen of their country.It truly was a different time, so do check out the Dark Sky DVD. You get two sides of Suarez: the fun side and the dark side. And you can hark back to the days of hunting down revenge movies on VHS, so it's a win-win.
robertoii_suarez The movie "One Armed Executioner is a low budget flick that was theatrically released in North America and opened at No. 15. Quite an achievement for a Filipino film.Visit the website of bavatuesdays 1983 was a great year for film on 42nd streetThe movie has some flaws but there is no such thing as a perfect movie. Even in real life we have some regrets and no one can claim that he has lived a perfect life. So far the movie has received some positive feedback from people who have seen the movie. We of course cannot expect something real big from a modest film but what I have said earlier the film throughout the years has made a tremendous achievement. Even the most expensive movies did not escape the eyes of people who are really trying very hard to see something wrong in a movie.Below is one to such an funny pictures the silly mistakes in Hollywood movies
Woodyanders A group of evil drug-dealing mobsters dismember Interpol agent Ramon Ortega (stolid wonder Franco Guerero) and kill his lovely wife Ann (fetching blonde Jody Kay). Ortega sinks into a grim morass of self-pity and alcoholism prior to undergoing extensive grueling martial arts training so he can exact a harsh revenge on the bad guys. Ineptly directed by Bobby A. Suarez, with an on and off plodding pace, clumsily staged action set pieces (the amazing crippled fu fight stuff is a hilariously tacky joy to behold!), a cruel tone, shoddy gore, startling moments of brutal violence (Ortega shoots one nasty hood right in the groin!), amusingly lousy dubbing, poor acting, and icky moments of cloying sentiment (the sappy flashbacks showing Ortega with his wife are sickeningly mushy), this flick overall sizes up as an enjoyably crummy hunk of rancid dime-store junk. Nigel Hogge hams it up shamelessly as Texas-accented main villain Edwards while Joe Zucchero contributes a funny turn as Edwards' obsequious smartaleck flunky Milo. Jun Pereira's widescreen cinematography offers several clunky zooms and makes occasional strained use of strenuous slow motion. Gene Kauer's get-down funky score hits the right-on groovy spot. Fun schlock.
brando5092 Yeah, We all have seen some of those real good modern martial arts movies and they are all well and good (Like things with Chow Yun-Fat or Jackie Chan) but we must not forget these types of movies--low budget laugh marathons...OK so not many people have seen this neat little Drive in second feature (as in the type of movie that would of played at the local drive in as a second feature for like 10 years...but would of never shown at a big movie theater chain)maybe it's because the acting is bad (it's really not Hepburn-Tracy if you get my drift) and the script is so first grade it makes you smile at times...or maybe because the music sounds like something lifted right off "Debbie Dose Dallas" (a.k.a--Porn music)..but this little revenge ditty had something more--A better feel...the effects are so late 70's--early 80's it's unreal...but it really works to the films if you get a big movie with big stars you expect something more...with a low budget it's not expected...but this one delivers for some reason. Maybe it's all the low key, cheap acting and what seems to be a child written script that makes it one of the funniest (not intentionally...but enjoyable)movies that you can spend a night laughing at (especially "Jason")while still cheering for the "One-Armed Executioner" himself. The movie was released by Paragon and their the company who always had the same 2 or 3 trailers before each of their features which alone makes it worth the rental price (as in you can really get a good laugh at some of the movies someone bought the rights to and actually promoted)...I got mine for 2 dollars and it was worth every penny because when ever I need some real neat-o low budget fun I pop it in sit back and smile while at the same time cheer for Ortega...You've walked past it in the action section a million time try picking it up...You may be surprised!!Happy Watching