The One and Only
The One and Only
PG | 03 February 1978 (USA)
The One and Only Trailers

1951: Andy Schmidt is in his last year of college. Taking life easy and always a saucy joke on his lips, he manages to win fellow student Mary's heart, although she's already otherwise engaged. But getting a job after college turns out much harder than expected; most directors take offense at his free interpretation of his roles. Desperate, he tries in wrestling. To avoid getting beaten up he stages the fights - and incidentally invents show-wrestling.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
JohnHowardReid Despite the wacky promise of its earlier scenes (Winkler disrupting the amateur play) and Saks' breezily crude performance, plus the presence of the dwarf from James Bond, the script soon reverts to the usual domestic misunderstandings, underscored by Carl Reiner's stiflingly uninventive close-up after close-up direction. Even the climax is disappointing, forcing Winkler to eke out a weak script by gross overacting. And why is the movie set in 1951? To show off the producer's old TV set? There's certainly no other sense of period involved. True, the movie does garner a few laughs here and there, but it would undoubtedly be twice as funny with careful trimming.
rdi210 This movie is a perfect example of a film that divides people into 2 groups.. Those who get the joke and those who don't. People usually attack what they don't understand. This film has a comic style and charm that has been unparalleled since. It's a GREAT comedy.. and a GREAT romance. It's a perfect date movie. A perfect movie for someone who wants a good lighthearted laugh. And if your perspective is too tense, maybe this movie isn't for you, and you may need counseling. It is an injustice that Paramount has kept this film on the shelf since the early 80's, having never seen the light of day on DVD. Yet they feel an Urban version of "The Honeymooners" is a good idea. I find it odd that my two alltime favorite romantic comedies have never been released on DVD. The other being Gene Wilder's "The World's Greatest Lover" which Fox has sat on since the early 80's as well... Yet, "From Justin To Kelly" is in nearly every video store in the country. There is no Justice in the world. Maybe those who took the time to bash this will enjoy "From Justin To Kelly", I'm sure that one is watered enough for them to "get". Sometimes with age people lose their sense of humor... Or sometimes it just goes stale and they find comic satisfaction in reruns of "Full House".
apes_a_poppin Ah gees...well so many fantastic words you could use to describe The One & Only. Words such atleast it's better than Nightshift. Look out for a surprise appearance from none other than Tom Bosley - as the bad guy wrestler Mr.C
RobP While this movie isn't a classic by any stretch, it is very entertaining as I remember it. I saw it about 15 years ago on HBO and loved the movie. It was written by the same guy that wrote and directed "Arthur" and though it isn't as funny as that movie, it does show the potential that Steve Gordon reached with "Arthur".