The Occupants
The Occupants
NR | 13 January 2014 (USA)
The Occupants Trailers

A supernatural thriller directed by Todd Alcott who co-wrote the script with Holly Golden, and features Michael Rady and Toby Huss. Golden produced the film along with Ilan Arboleda. The film revolves around Lucy, who has a new husband, a new home and a new baby, but old ghosts won't let her be. She has dedicated her life to helping families break the cycle of abuse, so when she and her husband, Wade, see the echoes of a violent family tragedy in their home, Lucy tries to help the tortured souls break free of their torment and move on. She finds, however, that these ghosts don't want her help -- they want to lead Lucy and her family to their doom.

Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
a_baron What do you tell a young mother who sees ghosts in her house, that she is perhaps under stress, dreaming, confabulating? What happens when her husband sees them too? Lucy works as a counsellor, and while her other half wants them to vacate what is obviously their dream home complete with security fence, she believes the night visitors are not regular apparitions, as in dead people, but a living family that is in desperate need of terrestrial assistance. She confides in a colleague - and former lover - who thinks she is gaga, and refuses to give her any practical help, although he does suggest she seeks help of the psychiatric kind.After her decision to stay put, things get worse, a lot worse. Was it really such a good idea to bring in a psychic? Unfortunately, this initially promising film soon loses its way. Lucy may indeed have gone gaga by the end, but this is so confusing you don't really know what she has done, what has happened, what is real, what is not, who is the bad guy, and if he is really a demon. Don't waste your time on this one.
zoegraceli18 SPOILER! I discuss the rabbit in the hat. Hop away if you haven't seen this film!! The Occupants provided an interesting perspective on the ghost story sub-genre. I think the disappointment some viewers had was that they expected more of the same, more of the tropes and tricks that genre presents. I enjoyed the way it portrayed their daily life; which, unfortunately, is sometimes boring. So it sagged a bit in the middle, and we viewers are led into a false sense of complacency. The protagonist as murderer was the cleverest part, and I was genuinely surprised. The actress was excellent in the role, and very pretty. Most of the secondary characters were written flatly, and they end up being ghosts in my memory. I think I wanted more flash and color, more music, etc. But I also think this was a commentary on so many of these movies. They just don't have the impact that a monster or killer movie has, but they feel much more real. This movie felt very real, and that probably made it less cinematic. The ending was maybe too sudden and jarring, but if the purpose was to make you work to understand, it succeeded. I recommend it.
GL84 After moving into a new house, a woman and her husband find the place haunted by the violent tragedy of the former occupants of the house and try to stop those actions from happening to them and her new baby.This here is a really weak and overall bland thriller disguised as a horror film. The biggest issue with this one is the fact that the central premise is nothing to really get worked up over, and it shows in the reactions of the characters. The primary focus is one the shots of the woman losing her mind over the events that transpire, yet none of what happens early on in this is enough to warrant such actions to take place and even worse off, doing so with the rather bland happenings that this goes through being just so unnecessary and uninviting that the reactions to them are completely unrelated to the events portrayed. That these in turn lead into the film's main segment being a series of investigations into whatever happened to the previous owners is so boring and lifeless that after such a troubling opening it sucks the energy out of the movie from there with endless scenes of her going over documents and papers that fill up time so that it's just so hard to stay invested in the movie as a whole from there on. The main subplot about these scenes is the film's second biggest issue, the constant referrals to the counselor friend she thinks is taking advantage of her yet is the first person she goes to whenever there's a bump in the night or a weird flash-vision she has, and despite every attempt to the contrary to make us believe he's some sort of creepy psychopath, he comes off as calm and level-headed about the situation while she rants and raves like a maniac then turns the tables back on him saying he's the one trying to screw her around. This happens a good three or four times after a conversation saying that she'll have nothing to do with him, so this in fact becomes extremely troubling and confusing as to why this goes on. Since the film earlier made mention of the fact that the supernatural haunting actions were unwarranted of the extreme reactions taken, that in turn brings up the fact that the majority of the supernatural going on here is really not that scary and oftentimes just plain dull, with a few somewhat decent scares here including the appearance of a demonic face on the wall hidden behind a poster, the ghostly visions of women running around the house and the ominous threat of violence depicted towards the infant son which does have a hint of believability to it, yet whatever happens is then undone by the absolutely ridiculous finale that makes no sense and undermines the general plot of what came before it. These are really enough problems to lower this one significantly.Rated R: Violence, Language, children-in-jeopardy and a shadowy sex scene.
mojoguzzi-879-68498 I was really excited by the beginning of this film. It was obviously a low budget effort but it was well directed. The casting was excellent, and most of the performances were as well. I personally find Cristin Milioti captivating, ever since seeing her play Johnny Sac's daughter on The Sopranos.The story was wonderfully creepy for the first half. Unfortunately as it dragged on it started getting cluttered with half-developed ideas that teased but never really delivered.It'll be interesting to see what this director does next. He showed enough here to warrant a second chance. Hopefully it'll be better developed.