The Nutcracker: The Untold Story
The Nutcracker: The Untold Story
PG | 24 November 2010 (USA)
The Nutcracker: The Untold Story Trailers

Set in 1920s Vienna, this is the tale of a little girl, whose godfather gives her a special doll one Christmas Eve.

Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Layla Myers To me, this movie is by far one of the greatest movies I have had the privilege of watching. For years I would have memories of this movie from when I was younger; NC, the tree, the rat king, the wagon scene at the end, and especially the prince. Many times a year I would try my hardest to find this movie that kept filling my mind and would always fail. Well, today I have finally found it.True, I had to pay $2.00 on YouTube to watch it because I couldn't find it anywhere else, but it was completely worth it. I adored Uncle Albert's scenes when he breaks the 4th wall. I think it brought a sense of enlightenment and amusement to the movie. The prince was absolutely adorable and Elle Fanning and Charlie Rowe are phenomenal actors. Their characters were so believable and raw.They really made them come to life. The rat faces were done very well and the Nutcracker looked completely believable to me. Even the songs were cute.It may just be personal preference, but I found this to be a great family movie and hands down an amazing piece of work. The reason behind all the bad reviews, I don't know. Maybe it's because of the "Nazi Rats" or maybe people are just rude. Who knows? But give this movie a chance, it might surprise you.
MockeryD Okay, I'm all for taking a classic tale and retelling it. It has been done extremely well (e.g O Brother Where Art Thou) and Disney has made millions on taking classic tales and giving them a different spin.Then you have the Nutcracker in 3D.I'm not sure where this idea came from. The original story seems to be glossed over completely. Yes, there is a Nutcracker in the story but he isn't really much of a hero. It's not that this idea couldn't have been done will but it gets bogged down with some much uselessness.First, Albert Einstein is in this movie. Yeah, that makes sense! Kids love German-born theoretical physicists! Then, we get the beautiful Nutcracker music that is given extremely awful lyrics. Add some racist caricatures, a heavyset character that is only there for fat shaming, Nazi rats (not joking) and loads of plot points that go nowhere.Now this is suppose to be a kids movie right? Well I don't know about you but I wouldn't show this too kids. In fact, I wouldn't show this too anyone. It's way to dark and terrifying for kids to enjoy while it also too nonsensical and pointless for adults. Maybe if they had tried to do an original story inside of tacking on the Nutcracker characters, it could have been somewhat decent.So in short, skip this CGI, surrealist nightmare.
mrarnesen This movie is a true masterpiece. I can't believe its bad ratings. The acting is perfect, the music which is based on Tchaikovskis works is brilliantly made, the visuals are of great art.It's funny, sad, exciting, surprising, magical, and did I say sad?It's impossible for me to not cry watching some of the scenes in this film. And I've watched it several times now.I have a great interest in movies, but this is truly one of the best movies I've ever seen. If not the best. It is certainly on my top five together with Mulholland Drive (Lynch), Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman), etc.Thank you Andrey Konchalovskiy for creating this masterpiece. And I'm so sorry for the bad ratings. Something must be seriously wrong in this world.
Vezon123 Today I will be brief. Do not think - I have not decided to join United Russia, no. Just what I saw today on the screen of your monitor and what I've read on the same screen a little earlier a few slightly earlier does not correspond to one another. But - in order.What is read.The film "The Nutcracker and the Rat King" in runet became famous even before its premiere in Russia, because originally it was in the U.S., and with a budget of 90 million green gathered only 200,000 of these. If someone does not understand - it's not even a failure, it's just a total, deep, and the final Paye, who basically scared to imagine any producer or investor. This is not "Imminence Nikita Mikhalkov, where" money on the screen, it's something more disastrous.Also about the film was known that the role of voicing Phil Kirkorov, Pugacheva, and other reptiles, listen to which there is no special interest. Well, everything else, Konchalovsky gave some great, but terribly incoherent interview on the film, which was unable to properly answer a single question in the style of "And what you have here leshego rat-fascists? And what do they sing? ". And finally - U.S. critics have not understood the film and called it a dark horror movies, but not children's tale, and American children, according to reviews, write, and fled from the hall. I will say about it.In the meantime, I'll tell you - "The Nutcracker" is certainly very far from a true masterpiece of the national tale, an animated cartoon "Our Masha and the Magic Nut", about which so beautifully told us someone Madison. In the commercials shows a good half of the cartoon, so it is strongly recommended for viewing, in order to estimate the extent of idiocy. Unfortunately, the full matyugov.Thus, in preparation for viewing this opus, in my mind swarmed different thoughts about deterrence gag reflex. Given the fact that the film is a fairy tale - and I hate children, and all have been associated with, or rather do not like it when something is explained by "a child", and even more do not like when the children sing. Second in the film as expected, because this child fairy tale musical. So that was prepared in a plastic bag, trash and narkomovskie program.What he saw.And here's a beautiful outcome of all this. Funny that what I saw on the screen, did not cause me to outright disgust, which, in theory it should be. That is, the aversion was caused, but the. Besides, I make allowances for the very nasty children who play major roles, as well as the terrible voice acting voice.The rest - on solid three points with a plus. The film, of course, filmed in a clear style sort of surrealism - apparently trying to imitate the "Alice in Wonderland" as the most severe in the contemporary film genre, Konchalovsky too far with the images. Clearly borrowed from Warhammer towers emerge from their rat-fascists, the Nazis themselves rat on dzhetpakah - it's still bearable, but when it turns out that the rat-fascists living by burning toys, and all the toys as soon as said in the beginning, LIVING ... In short, I do not envy the kids who watched this movie. Of course, this is a very interesting method to tell about the Holocaust, moreover, that in America a lot of supporters who are very fond of this theme ... ahem ... I'm clearly behind those words have been sentenced to death publicly in Aileu usr '... Well, okay.So, the rats in the film really live by burning toys, smoky black smoke that veiled the sun, which is the main enemy of the rat - the type, the forces of darkness and all that. Given that the main voice of the rat says Kirkorov (sorry the original is not Michael Jackson), then you can deploy the theme of Good and Evil, but we will not go into details of the local mythology. In short, rats live as a working population is suffering, getting them toys. Gestapo is not asleep, the rats on dzhetpakah overlook the neighborhood and knocked the guerrillas, well, everything. Damn, I can not ... Really - look already own. I further impressions.Thoughts and Conclusions.Go tell that good in the film. Good exactly one thing - the beauty and special effects. Yes, yes, do not laugh. All sustained relatively nice eyes does not hurt, though a miserable modelka Nutcracker of two polygons initially infuriates, but then he turns into a kid and everything is normal. Around all shiny, all fabulous, all the color and foolish - in a word, eye pleasing.Bad that the horrible actors. Children cause aversion, especially the girl who somewhere has already played - in serials, I think. In the House, for example. It is unclear why there is a mandatory negro character - a boy, a drummer who looked like a son of Bob Marley. Where in the original tale was told about blacks? Silly question. Incidentally, among rats, the Negro is not. Paradox.Bad domestic licensing voice. Not bad, just awful. As I said earlier - the characters speak like morons. It is strange - why earlier baby voiced movie fine, but now - whether children believe idiots, or that - but spoken of as the chair read the poems. Slowly, loudly, with emphasis on the word. Darkness.Bad songs. Especially since there are and original music. Texts of course - mascara lights, here again comes to mind "Our Mary" - a level the same. In short, ladies and gentlemen - the film is not really recommended for viewing, especially children and the children. They may like, and they grow by the Nazis. Black humor.