The Night of a Thousand Cats
The Night of a Thousand Cats
R | 01 November 1974 (USA)
The Night of a Thousand Cats Trailers

Millionaire playboy Hugo flies around Acapulco in his private helicopter to pick up sexy young women. He whisks them away to his secluded old castle, where he wines and dines them. With the aid of his bald, mute little helper, Dorgo, he kills his dates, keeping their heads in a crystal cage and feeding their chopped up body parts to his 1,000-strong army of bloodthirsty, flesh hungry cats.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
BA_Harrison In René Cardona Jr.'s book, if you hire a helicopter for your movie, you absolutely must get your money's worth, which is why Night of 1000 Cats is crammed full of shots of millionaire playboy Hugo (Hugo Stiglitz) flying over sunny Acapulco. Hugo uses the 'copter (clearly the most affordable one in Cardona's rental catalogue) as a means of attracting hot women, buzzing them as they try to relax, giving them the Stiglitz stare until they succumb to his charms. At no point do they call the police to report a creepy stalker in the sky, such is his way with women.Having successfully impressed a member of the fairer sex with his chopper (ooo-err!), Hugo whisks them back to his dilapidated ancestral monastery where he wines and dines them (speciality of the house: an unidentifiable chunk of meat, as prepared by Hugo's mute, bald butler Dorgo), before showing them his collection of severed heads in jars, at which point he illustrates why it's never a good idea to accept an invitation from a stranger in a helicopter. Choking his victim to death, Hugo takes their head as a trophy and feeds the remains to his clowder of cats (thanks, Google!), or into his incinerator.Hugo's macabre hobby hits a brick wall, however, when he tries to add a yummy mummy to his collection: stage one—luring her away from her family—goes without a hitch, the woman happy to cheat on her husband and abandon her child for a romp with the Stiglitz. However, before Hugo can claim his prize, he is interrupted by a passing doctor looking for help. As he tries to shoo the meddling medic away, his milf has a pang of conscience and rushes home to her daughter. The doctor pays for his interference with his head!Not one to give up, Hugo goes after the woman again, but underestimates his victim, who fights back after seeing his collection (which now includes Dorgo's head, killed for having the temerity to beat his master at chess!). Launching a spear at Hugo, the woman accidentally frees his flesh-eating moggies, who turn on their owner, mauling him to death.While some reviewers have criticised Night of 1000 Cats for it's excessive use of helicopter footage, I find such silliness quite endearing, adding to the film's overall trashy nature. The schlock level is taken to even greater heights by the ridiculous plot, Stiglitz's one-note performance, a shocking disregard for the well-being of its animals (one poor kitty is launched through the air like a discus while another is given a dunking in a pool), some hilarious dialogue (funniest moment: Hugo trying to convince one victim that the heads are made of wax, as though that's a perfectly normal alternative to keeping real heads in jars), and just a little titillation, including a woman with nipples you could hang your coat on (played by Christa Linder), and another (Tere Velázquez) who, thanks to Cardona's low camera angle, reveals herself to be going commando.N.B. This review is for the readily available 63 minute version of the film, which gets a rating of 6.5/10 from me (rounded up to 7 for IMDb). As far as the longer 93 minute version is concerned, I'm guessing that the extra half an hour is either more sex and gore (in which case it probably deserves a slightly higher rating), or another half an hour of Hugo in his whirlybird (in which case I would go slightly lower).
GL84 A playboy aristocrat tries to romance several women around the town, yet when his advances are spurned, brings them back to his castle to feed to his basement filled with flesh-eating cats.Superb Mexican exploitation effort, filled with lots of nudity, some what-should-be arrogant speeches from the main guy about getting away with it all and just the general nature of the storyline, about the tactics he uses and the toys he plays with in order to do everything he does around the city, so despite the lack of real action since it's pretty slow-going, it's still a good bit of fun. The castle is again a grand Gothic masterpiece, filled with the cramped rooms, candle-lit walkways and brick architecture that's always featured in these films, and with the cats coming into play more in the second half, it adds an extra bit of spice into the proceedings what with them getting loose and chasing after the victims causing a suspenseful chase to get out. Needed a bit more action during the second half when he's trying to lure the women back, but it's not all that bad at all.Rated R: Full Nudity, Graphic Violence, Language and violence-against-animals
alvaro_dd what an awful movie! I was hoping to see an undiscovered classic and what I got was something like a tacky 70´s after shave commercial; crap acting, crap visuals...what a waste of a suitably crazy plot.On the other hand ,all the sex scenes seemed to be removed from the spanish version that I saw, altough it appears to be slightly longer than the others ( 93 minutes) least some gratuitous nudity would have helped me to stay awake.
bloodemurder This movie was recommended to me by an ardent lover of the sick and twisted. I thought that the worst was given away too early, and the film does get caught up in the tedious and seemingly unlikely hunt for new victims. Yet, the film is brief, and does offer enough consistency in characters to allow the genre fan to dispense with realistic expectations. It's not a bad psycho-killer flick - it's horrificly bad.