The Naked Face
The Naked Face
R | 01 June 1984 (USA)
The Naked Face Trailers

Chicago psychiatrist Judd Stevens is suspected of murdering one of his patients when the man turns up stabbed to death in the middle of the city. After repeated attempts to convince the cops of his innocence, Dr. Stevens is forced to go after the real villains himself.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
shakercoola A suspense thriller not untypical of a number of adult crime films made in the early 1980s e.g. Cruising, Dressed to Kill, Death Wish II, Tightrope. Tension is taut between Moore and Steiger, the latter, famous by then for his 'scenery chewing' and here proves no exception. Moore convinces as the compassionate Chicago psychoanalyst under suspicion of murder and targeted for assassination. It's a mystery with twists and turns but the third act is a bolt on which creates plot holes. Gould brings his usual jauntiness and there's a nice turn from dear old Art Carney.
alpinegazebos I really liked Elliott Gould's (Stand-In/Double) Richard Slamp. He was excellent and made the movie worth seeing. I would like to see him in more films. Roger Moore is a great actor and I have enjoyed him starting in his early days as "The Saint". Rod Steiger is so intense...he is one of the best actors of his day. It's too bad that this film didn't get the screen coverage it deserved, it would have been a big hit. This film is rather dark and depressing, but the topic of the movie calls for this type of background. There are some very good shots of the beautiful city of Chicago in this movie. This film has several of my favorite actors in it and that in itself makes it a very interesting watch for me. Art Carney (Norton), Elliott Gould (Mash), Roger Moore (The Saint and 007) Rod Steiger (Some like it hot, etc), David Hedison (Voyage under the sea), and Rick Slamp (Elliot's Stand-in and Double) This movie has some negative comments about Gays. This may be one of the reasons it didn't make it. All-in-All it was a pretty good film and I would suggest you pick up a copy and give it a View.
Jonathon Dabell Roger Moore is in uncharacteristic surroundings here, in a very adult thriller. He plays a Chicago psychiatrist who tops the polic's suspect list when a number of people start getting bumped off in the city. You see, all those that are dead are patients at his clinic. As suspicion mounts, Moore does the only thing he can and takes the investigation into his own hands, hoping to clear his name by catching the real killer(s) himself.Also involved in the film are Rod Steiger and Elliot Gould, both giving enjoyable performances as cops investigating the crimes. The story takes its inspiration from a Sidney Sheldon bestseller, and unfolds fairly intriguingly with various red herrings and killings tossed into the mix at regular intervals. However, the film isn't perfect by a long stretch of the imagination. For a start, the peculiar assassination at the end is supposed to be a twist of some sort, but it makes little sense. Also, the solution to the murders isn't that great (in fact, it's been six years since I saw the film and I can't remember exactly how it all gets resolved). Nonetheless, the film is probably worth a look, especially if you've never seen Moore in one of his more unstereotypical roles.
trpdean This is a truly ugly little movie - from start to finish, it lacks warmth, familiarity. Indeed, it begins and ends in a cemetery. Its look gives it a low budget feel- though the high powered cast must have made it more expensive than it looks. the movie is saved by its choice of actors. This must be one of the most unusual casts assembled: Art Carney, Roger Moore, Anne Archer, Elliott Gould, Rod Steiger, David Hedison (known particularly to Americans for the TV series, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea but I think he also served as Felix Leitner in one of the Bond movies). What a group.The sight of Roger Moore as a pathetic, terrified, weak, indignant psychiatrist is also truly disorienting. As he runs and pushes chairs against doorknobs to stop one man chasing him, trembling in fear, it's VERY hard to not cry out "007, WAKE UP! One karate chop will do it!I think the best of a generation of American actors were Rod Steiger, Jason Robards, Marlon Brando, and George C. Scott. Steiger's role isn't a wonderful one - but he is as usual, fascinating to watch to see the accents, looks, manners, that he will choose to portray the character. I am very fond of Elliott Gould - though he underplays his role here. Anne Archer is lovely - as she is as the wife of Harrison Ford in all the Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan movies, and of course as the wife of Michael Douglas in Fatal Attraction. Art Carney is absolutely extraordinary - very amusing - it's as if his dialogue was written by someone other than the sleepy TV movie of the week folks who wrote the other dialogue. This is worth watching - if you don't expect too much. E.g., if you want to see Roger Moore play another role - and I like Moore very much -it's fine. He's also charming and funny in the comedy, That Lucky Touch with Susannah York.